UK: University Completely Scrubs “Anglo-Saxon” from Its Curriculum in Honor of George Floyd

It’s about time someone wiped out the Anglo-Saxons.

The Irish have been trying to do it for hundreds of years, so it’s ironic that a dead nigger finally succeeded where generations of heroes of the Eire failed.

Salute George Floyd, breaker of chains.


In a Black Lives Matter-inspired move, a British university has cancelled the term “Anglo-Saxon” from its curriculum.

The University of Nottingham has removed “Algo-Saxon” from courses on history and literature to push back against “nationalist narratives”.

According to The Telegraph, a masters-level course, Viking and Anglo-Saxon Studies, has been renamed as Viking and Early Medieval English Studies.

This Lola Young creature is the chancellor of the university (is it a tranny?)

This is Shearer West, the vice-chancellor (is it a tranny?)

Another module, a literature course originally named “A Tale of Seven Kingdoms: Anglo-Saxon and Viking-Age England from Bede to Alfred the Great” has been recast as “Early Mediaeval England from Bede to Alfred the Great”.

While the thrust of the “decolonise the curriculum” agenda — which the university pledged to do amid the Black Lives Matter movement — has typically focussed on attacking British history and identity, the university reportedly said that it will seek to “problematize the term ‘Viking’” as well.

Nottingham academics have also been seeking to dismantle “essentialist ideas” about nationality, namely the very concept of a distinct English identity which has unique and fundamental characteristics.

It’s going to take the British a while to learn that woke is over.

I don’t even know if Deadpool 3 has been released there yet.

The Great Replacement is literally everywhere. They’ve gone back in time to replace us.