UK: Vibrant Enricher Broke Into Funeral Home to Rape a Corpse

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 20, 2018

Well, here’s a news story for you.

You’re only going to hear about this one in the tabloids, because this is definitely not the image they want to advertise with regards to Islamic immigrants.


A burglar has admitted having sex with a corpse after lifting the lids of ‘multiple coffins’ at a funeral parlour.

Kasim Khuram, 23, admitted forcing open the door of the building at 3am on November 11 then sexually penetrating the body at the Central England Co-operative Funeralcare in Great Barr, Birmingham.

CPS Spokesman Baljinder Kaur said: ‘This is an unusual case and it is difficult to imagine a more distressing violation of a loved one.

‘On the strength of the case built by the police and CPS the defendant ultimately pleaded guilty and will now have to face the consequences.

‘Our thoughts are with the families of the deceased.’

A judge adjourned Khuram’s sentencing for a psychiatric report until January 31, but warned the defendant he was facing a ‘substantial’ jail term.

Khuram, who appeared in custody in Birmingham Crown Court flanked by a security officer, touched his chest and gave the thumbs-up to supporters in the public gallery during a 10-minute hearing.

Imagine that level of racial solidarity.

Where you will go support someone against charges of necrophilia just because it’s white people charging him with it, and the corpse was that of a white boy.

I’ll tell you what. I might be a neon-nazi. But if a white guy rapes the corpse of a Jew, I’m not going to stand in solidarity with him.

He also admitted burglary of the funeral home, breaking into the building with the intention of stealing.

Wearing a black hooded top and trousers and sporting a Palestinian flag tattoo on the left side of his neck, he stood with hands clutched in front of him as the charges were read.

Yes, of course. A Palestinian.

Another refugee from the Jew war machine.

So Jews in effect did this necrophilia.

Relatives of the deceased were in court during the hearing.

The offence Khuram admitted said: ‘You intended an act of penetration by a part of a body, by a part of your body.

‘The penetration being sexual and knowing or being reckless as to knowing that is what was being penetrated.’

The court heard he was briefly sectioned under mental health laws on arrest, after officers alerted by the parlour’s alarm turned up to find him still at the scene.

If you ask a Jew or liberal if “sex with corpses” is what they mean when they claim Moslems are “enriching our culture,” they will probably say “no.”

But this is the only sort of thing that seems to be changing about the culture – there are rapes, murders, robberies, terrorist attacks and gross necrophilic acts.

Which is the good change?

The best outcome from immigration is that they just act like white people. They will even say that. Like, “they’re contributing by working at normal jobs.” But working at a normal job is not “enrichful.”

In actual fact, I think over the last couple of years they’ve dropped this “cultural enrichment” bit. They seem to be just trying to say like, “LOOK, they’re just GOING TO ACT NORMAL, OKAY?”

But in actual fact, they are not acting normal – they are breaking into morgues and having sex with corpses.

Not good.

Not good for society.