UK: Victims of Non-White Pedo-Rape Gang Could be as Many as 180

Daily Stormer
May 15, 2014

Five Pakistanis and two Africans were able to run a large-scale rape gang targeting young White girls due to people’s fear of being branded ‘racist’ if they said anything about it.

Following on from last year’s high profile trial of seven African and Pakistani child rapists, dozens of other girls have been interviewed (probably all White if the previous case was anything to go by) and from them, the Police believe they have identified another 50 to 60 young women that were being abused by the sadistic pedophile rape gang.

None of these girls would have been abused if we had kept Britain for the British people only, the descendants of the White British people whose hardy sacrifices built the wealthy country, that these Non-White subhumans seek to plunder.

From the original six girls that testified, another 180 children have been identified that were at risk from these twisted creatures.

From the BBC:

Thames Valley Police has reviewed about180 cases of vulnerable children potentially at risk.The investigation, which began in 2012, has heard from dozens of girls who were connected to the gang.

The Kingfisher unit, which was set up by Thames Valley Police and Oxfordshire County Council in November 2012, also involves social services, health and education services.

In the past year, it has been involved in 20 criminal investigations and has served 40 abduction notices.

An abduction notice can be served if police receive a complaint that a man is hanging around with a young teenager. If he is spotted with the girl again, he can be arrested for abduction.

Det Supt Joe Kidman, senior investigating officer for operation Bullfinch, said: “We’ve had a number of young women come forward and give us very important accounts.

“We’ve also identified people we wanted to speak to and they’ve also given us very significant accounts.

“I would say that the figure is of around 50 to 60 young women that we have our concerns about.

“They may well be in a much better position now, but we consider they could have been victims.”

Last year’s trial at the Old Bailey heard how six girls were plied with alcohol and drugs before being forced to perform sex acts. Some were beaten and burned.

The court heard how the men – two of east African origin and five of Pakistani origin – identified vulnerable girls for abuse and then groomed each one of them until they were under the control of the gang.

They were then each either abused by the men themselves, given to the men’s friends or offered at a price to others who were not on trial.

The girls were mostly chosen because their unsettled or troubled lives made them easier to manipulate.

The girls were drugged and then taken to other towns and cities to be raped by other filthy Muslims.