Grindon Hall got the best exam results of any state school in the area, yet it is now rated as the worst school in the area according to the Ofsted report.
The government’s ruthless anti-White, anti-British and Anti-Christian campaign to silence all enquiring young minds under the guise of promoting ‘British Values’ is coming to a head.
Two Christian schools with the best exam results out of any state school in their areas have been labelled as bigots and failures for giving their pupils a traditional Christian education.
The Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted) has even admitted this in their own report on the Grindon Hall Christian School that because the children are being taught Christian values they are being downgraded.
This bit was originally in the report and speaks volumes about the real reasons for trying to take the school down:
The Christian ethos of the school permeates much of the school’s provision. This has restricted the development of a broad and balanced approach to the curriculum.
The passage was later removed from the report.
The Principal of the school, Chris Gray, responded to Ofsted’s attempts to de-Christianise the school by making a statement, which reads in part:
The questioning by inspectors makes clear that their idea of a balanced curriculum is for us to force pupils to celebrate non-Christian religious festivals. This would breach our Christian foundation which stipulates that we are a Christian school. It would certainly offend against the consciences of many of our staff, pupils and parents. No one should be told by a government official to celebrate any religion. Learn about it, yes. Celebrate its festivals, no.
The other school that has been singled out for humiliation is Durham Free. They have actually been told that they must close forthwith, because when one of the governments Ofsted inspectors asked a pupil what a Moslem was, the child gave them a well thought out answer based on his own deduction, rather than just repeating some politically correct nonsense.
Durham Free School is being closed down because a pupil did not give a political correct answer to the question ‘What is a Moslem.’
Regardless of what he had been taught, surely the child has a right to hold his own personal opinion of what he thinks Moslems are, and if he had just repeated what the school had taught him, he would not be showing any ability to think for himself.
The child apparently included a reference to terrorism in his answer, which shows that he is aware of what is going on in the world around him and has been able to apply that to the question being asked of him, rather than just repeating what he has been indoctrinated with.
But Ofsted doesn’t care about that, all they care about is promoting a fantasy that Islam is a religion of peace and as much a part of British heritage as Christianity is, which is a damnable lie in itself and not the sort of thing any right-minded Briton would agree with.
The headmaster of Grindon Hall Christian School (pictured) said the critical inspection by Ofsted, which was published on the school’s website, came as a ‘huge shock’ to staff, parents and pupils.
Prebendary Rod Thomas, of the Reform Council and a member of the General Synod, said the plight of the two schools was disturbing.
‘When the future of entire schools can be prejudiced on the basis of what appear to be a few conversations with individual pupils, it raises very serious concerns,’ he added.
‘These two cases highlight important issues about how Ofsted are interpreting the guidance they have been given.’
Simon Calvert of the Christian Institute said: ‘The Government’s British values regime is twisting Ofsted’s priorities out of all proportion. Inspectors are asking all kinds of invasive questions and then issuing reports that the parents whose children attend the school don’t recognise.’
Durham Free School, which has 94 pupils aged 11 to 13, was praised by then education secretary Michael Gove after it opened in September 2013. But when it was inspected in November, Ofsted failed it on a wide range of factors including poor teaching, attainment and behaviour. ‘Standards are low and progress is inadequate,’ inspectors said. ‘Students’ achievement is weak.’
It will now close at Easter after Education Secretary Nicky Morgan announced her department was withdrawing its funding.
The inspecting team, which was led by Joan Hewitt, concluded: ‘Leaders are failing to prepare students for life in modern Britain. Some students hold discriminatory views of other people who have different faiths, values or beliefs from themselves.’
But according to teachers, the team based this view on speaking to the boy of around 12 who was asked about Muslims during a group discussion. His answer included a reference to terrorism. Acting headmaster Julian Eisner, 57, said: ‘The pupil’s reply displayed a very disappointing level of ignorance but, in the context, did not provide evidence of a discriminatory attitude.
‘The school wholeheartedly agreed with Ofsted inspectors that there is progress to be made to guarantee all pupils articulate and share the tolerant attitudes that are embedded in the school’s Christian ethos.’
Petrina Douglas, who is a parent governor, said: ‘It feels like the school has been made a scapegoat. Durham is primarily white British so knowledge of other cultures is not as prevalent. But I don’t think the children are bigoted.’
Chris Gray, principal of Grindon Hall, said: ‘It is now well known that the manner in which inspectors questioned our pupils in November was hostile, inappropriate and raises serious safeguarding issues. Ofsted’s approach to us was negative at every stage, as if the data collected had to fit a predetermined outcome.’
Yesterday, a Department for Education spokesman said of Grindon Hall: ‘This school has been troubled for some time and Ofsted have been monitoring it carefully. This report shows that problems persist and there are continued concerns about leadership, the quality of learning and safeguarding.’
Education Secretary Nicky Morgan said of Durham Free School: ‘It is failing to ensure children are looked after, failing to provide an environment in which children are able to learn and failing to provide the quality of education that we expect.’