UK: While Cops Arrest Internet Racists and Dolls, Snatch Thefts More Than Double

Stealing is not a big problem. The people that brown people steal things from are privileged whites who already have more than they need.

The real problem our civilization faces is people saying mean things on the internet. This is something we simply cannot abide.

Sky News:

A massive rise in bag and phone “snatch thefts” has prompted the government to promise a crackdown on street crime.

An estimated 78,000 people, or more than 200 a day, had their phones or bags stolen in the year leading up to March 2024, according to Home Office analysis of data from the Crime Survey for England and Wales.

That is more than double the 31,000 incidents of “snatch thefts” in the same period to March 2023.

Why do both of them look so angry? I always imagined people who do this type of crime as cheerful and optimistic.

Police intelligence shows that the increase is likely driven by greater demand for second-hand phones in the UK and abroad.

However, despite the massive rise in thefts, only 0.8% of “theft from the person” led to a charge.

Meanwhile, 81.9% of police investigations were closed before a suspect was found.

People only steal things because they are poor.

The reason they are poor?


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