UK: White Football Fan Bloodied and Beaten by 10-Strong Gang of Muslim Preachers

June 19, 2014

Andrew White was walking past a Dawah stall like this one, when he was set upon by a gang of Muslim ‘preachers’ who knocked him to the ground and then rained punches and kicks down on him.

A FOOTBALL fan was left covered in blood and cowering on the floor after he was attacked by a ten-strong gang of Luton Muslim preachers, a court heard today (June 17).

Andrew White was set upon as he walked along Oxford Street in London’s West End, the Old Bailey was told.

The thugs ‘rained down blows’ on Mr White, who was punched in the back of the head, kicked and struck with a crutch, jurors were told.

Qadeer Ahmed, 29, of Althorp Road, Luton; Naseer Khan, 31, of Milfield Road, Luton; Munim Abdul, 33, of Hampton Road, Luton; Jalal Ahmed, 26, of Cavendish Road, Luton; Yousef Bashir, 34 of Dane Road, Luton; Rajib Khan, 36, of Vestry Close, Luton; Moshiur Rahman, 32, of Dane Road, Luton; Mohan Uddin, 36, of Trinity Road, Luton, and Kamran Khan, 29, of Wodecroft Road, Luton, have all admitted affray.

Alleged ringleader Abu Rahin Aziz, 32, of Hazelbury Crescent, Luton, denies affray.

He is being tried in his absence.

Opening the case, prosecutor Will Hays said: ‘This is a case about group violence, which took place in on one of the busiest streets in London.

‘It was on the 18 May, 2013 and there was before this incident a demonstration which was taking place outside the US embassy in Grosvenor Square.’

Aziz was one of those railing against US foreign policy that day, the court heard.

‘Meanwhile, while that demonstration was going on, a Dawah stall was preaching on Oxford Street on the junction with Old Quebec Street.’

‘Dawah’ means evangelising or proselytising for the Muslim faith, Mr Hays added.

‘There was some preaching going on in relation to the Muslim faith.’

Mr White had been to the Northampton Town FC and Bradford City FC match before making his way with some friends to the City of Quebec pub in Old Quebec Street, the court heard.


Shortly after 5.15pm, Mr White walked away from the pub towards the junction with Oxford Street with his hands in his pockets.

As he reached Oxford Street he was punched to the head from behind before being set upon by the large group.

He fell to the ground where he was punched and kicked repeatedly, as well as being hit with a hospital crutch, in plain view of the ‘Dawah’ stall.

‘Mr Bashir passes his crutch to another member [of the gang] who pleaded guilty…and rains down blows on Mr Andrew White, as he falls towards the floor,’ said Mr Hays.

‘Eventually the victim was able to roll out of the group, but remained on the ground, abandoned by the group and bleeding from his head and his mouth.’

Members of the public administered first aid before an ambulance crew arrived.

The prosecutor added that pub manager Christopher Smith, who had served the soccer fans, said their behaviour in the pub had been good.

Aziz is said to have triggered the violence by punching Mr White to the back of the head.

Qadeer Ahmed allegedly launched himself at Mr White, battering him on the ground using his hands and feet.

Kamran Khan also took part in the fight before harassing a group of horrified passers-by outside Top Shop.

Mohammed Khan ran into the melee and kicked and stamped on Mr White as he lay helpless on the ground, it is claimed.

Uddin allegedly armed himself with Bashir’s crutch and used it to strike the victim when he was on the floor.

Abdul, Rahman and Jalal Ahmed all took part in the fighting as well.

Jalal Ahmed is said to have ushered Asian women and children away from the area seconds before the attack was launched.

Bashir allowed his crutch to be used as a weapon and handed out leaflets during the incident, the court heard.

We should just be putting up with the rapes, beatings and stabbings then should we Dave?

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