UK: White Gulf War Hero’s Family to be Deported

Daily Mail
January 29, 2014

Former soldier Ray Coulson and his wife Shainie - who has been ordered to leave Britain because he is no longer in the military
Former soldier Ray Coulson and his wife Shainie – who has been ordered to leave Britain because he is no longer in the military, although he is still working, unlike the unemployed negro mom who has just been permitted to import her grandmother into the UK to receive full UK citizen benefits.

He served in the British Army for 22 years with an ‘exemplary record’, risking his life in both Gulf Wars.

But despite his sacrifice, Ray Coulson’s young family risks being torn apart by an extraordinary decision from the UK Border Agency.

The 42-year-old’s Canadian wife Shainie and their three children have been ordered to leave Britain – because he is no longer in the military.

Officials rejected Mrs Coulson’s application to remain in the UK claiming the teaching assistant had not ‘lost ties’ with her homeland.

In 2010 Mrs Coulson and their Canadian-born children,  Kallum, 12, Bailley, 13, and Blake, 14, joined him near his barracks in Tidworth, Wiltshire
Tough luck kids, you are the wrong color for the modern multi-culti Britain.

Instead, the UKBA suggested Mr Coulson should endure a ‘degree of hardship’ by ripping up his roots and relocating nearly 4,000 miles to Canada.

His supporters have urged ministers to intervene, pointing out the decision is at odds with the Government’s pledge to uphold the Military Covenant –  Britain’s duty of care to its servicemen.

Campaigners contrast his case with that of foreigners who have been allowed to stay in Britain despite dreadful crimes, such as Iraqi Aso Mohammed Ibrahim, who left a girl of 12 to die under the wheels of his car.

Mr Coulson said: ‘I feel like I’ve been betrayed. It’s unbelievable that you can serve Queen and country for so many years, risk your life by getting shot at on the front line, make endless sacrifices for the nation and then be told you can’t have your family live here with you.’

Mr Coulson had an 'exemplary record', risking his life in both Gulf Wars
Mr Coulson has an ‘exemplary record’, risking his life in both Gulf Wars fighting for what he believed was Britain.

Mr Coulson, a bombardier, fought in both Gulf Wars. During the second conflict, he was part of the 3rd Royal Horse Artillery and regularly found himself under fire as he transported missiles to the front line.

In 2006 he married Shainie, now 36, while deployed at the British Army Training Unit in Alberta, Canada.

He was posted back to Britain three years later, and in 2010 Mrs Coulson and their Canadian-born children, Blake, 14, Bailley, 13, and Kallum, 12, joined him near his  barracks in Tidworth, Wiltshire.

The Home Office granted her three years’ discretionary leave to remain in the UK.

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