UK: White Man Scarred for Life in Night Club by Knife-Wielding Mongrel

Yorkshire Evening Post
May 11, 2014

Mark Harsley, who was slashed across the face with a knife by a mixed-race thug, in a Leeds bar on Sunday.

A 25-YEAR-OLD Leeds man – slashed across the face with a knife in a city centre nightclub over the bank holiday weekend – reckons he’s lucky not to have been more seriously injured.

Mark Harsley needed seven stitches in a four-inch wound to his left cheek and will be scarred for life by the attack in Chilli White on Sunday night.

But he’s hoping others in the bar will help police track down his attacker before he pulls a knife again.

“If I’d just leant forward at the wrong moment, I could have been cut across the eye or – even worse – the neck,” said Mark, a media sales assistant from Morley. “Pulling a knife is a coward’s trick but whoever did this was pretty quick to use one – and someone else might not be as lucky next time.”

The attack happened within a few minutes of a minor altercation near the dance floor and while Mark’s friend was trying to diffuse tension between two groups of men.

“It was so quick,” said Mark. “I only saw the knife after he’d cut me and put a hand up to my face and felt the blood.”

Mark would still look like this if the races were segregated.

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