Tim Burton of Liberty GB has been acquitted on all charges of “racially aggravated harassment” against a Muslim con artist.
Liberty GB radio host, Tim Burton, was charged by West Midlands Police with racially aggravated harassment, after his post on Twitter described a notorious Muslim propagandist as “a mendacious grievance-mongering taqiyya-artist.”
Despite the absurdity of the charge (Islam is not a race) against Tim Burton, this decent, patriotic Englishman faced a possible prison sentence just for criticizing a notorious Muslim who not only had deceived the British public for many years, he had been the recipient of hundreds of thousands of pounds of generous government funding, until he was outed as a fraud last year. The delicate flower who cannot tolerate any criticism of him is none other than Fiyaz Mughal, founder of the Tell Mama organization, who in June 2013 was revealed as a deceiver by Telegraph journalist Andrew Gilligan:
The project, called Tell Mama, claimed that there had been a ‘sustained wave of attacks and intimidation’ against British Muslims after the killing of Drummer Lee Rigby, with 193 ‘Islamophobic incidents’ reported to it, rising to 212 by last weekend. The group’s founder, Fiyaz Mughal, said he saw ‘no end to this cycle of violence’, describing it as ‘unprecedented’. The claims were unquestioningly repeated in the media.
Tell Mama and Mr Mughal did not mention, however, that 57 per cent of the 212 reports referred to activity that took place only online, mainly offensive postings on Twitter and Facebook, or that a further 16 per cent of the 212 reports had not been verified. Not all the online abuse even originated in Britain.
The Muslim con-artist.
Contrary to the group’s claim of a ‘cycle of violence’ and a ‘sustained wave of attacks’, only 17 of the 212 incidents, 8 per cent, involved the physical targeting of people and there were no attacks on anyone serious enough to require medical treatment.
As a result of these revelations, Tell Mama had its public funding discontinued; and it’s no surprise that some of the taxpayers who have given hundreds of thousands of pounds to that body since its founding two years ago vented their anger publicly, as did Tim Burton again in the following tweet:
Breaking News – Mendacious Muslim scumbag Fiyaz Mughal agrees to stop telling porkies if the British Government gives him his £214,000 back
Fiyaz Mughal is one of many Islamic propagandists who strive to present ‘Islamophobia’ as a primary cause of disharmony in our country. The reality, as we know, is that if militant Muslims were to cease bombing, raping, beheading and abusing the British people, the “underlying Islamophobia in our society” (as Mughal terms it) would disappear. Tell Mama has previously threatened numerous members of the public with libel actions for criticizing it on Twitter. One of these tweet-criminals opined, “they are just trying to shut down debate”. Shutting down criticism of Islam is not only a serious infringement of free speech, but also clears the way for those intent on Islamifying Britain – aided and abetted by treacherous politicians, quisling police and a politicised legal system. Mughal is by no means alone in creating deception in the cause of Islam, as the practice is widespread and many Muslims consider it a religious duty. Indeed, they have a special word for it – “taqiyya.” (See video below)