UK: White Teen Vows to Leave London After Two Black Robbers Knock Out His Teeth, Attempt to Stab Him

Alex Rogers.

Smart move, Alex.

No white man should be expected to show allegiance to a city that wants him dead, even if he was born and raised in it.


A teenager has vowed to leave ‘Lawless London’ and move abroad after knife-wielding thugs knocked his front teeth out and tried to stab him – despite him handing his jacket over.

Alex Rogers, 16, was making the five-minute walk home from a bus stop in Fulham, South West London, when he was approached by two hooded men last Tuesday night.

After handing over his black and grey North Face jacket at knife-point, Alex thought he would be allowed to leave unhurt.

Instead, one thug held him in a choke hold while the other punched him repeatedly in the face, smashing out his front teeth, but he managed to flee as they tried to knife him.

After the vicious attack Alex was forced to hunt for his missing teeth using his phone’s torch in a desperate bid to salvage his smile.

The leisure centre lifeguard, who says it was only because the attacker fell over that he was able to get away without being stabbed, now refuses to leave home after the attack and plans to leave London.

Alex, whose family have since launched a Go Fund Me page to buy him teeth implants, describes the two attackers as black, in their late teens and wearing jackets with hoods up.