UK: White Woman Abused by Disgusting Ape Gets Free Money!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 2, 2016

Who would you prefer to hang out with?

The attractive human female?


Or the outrageous abuse-monkey?


Sometimes there is some justice.

But these Blacks seriously need removed.

Daily Mail:

Hundreds of well-wishers have donated money to a waitress to cover the tip a black Oxford student refused to pay because she was white.

Ashleigh Schultz, 24, was reduced to tears when Ntokozo Qwabe – a leader of the campaign to remove a Cecil Rhodes statue at Oxford – and a friend wrote on their cafe bill: ‘We will give tip when you return the land.’

He bragged online that they had made her cry ‘typical white tears’, leaving him ‘unable to stop smiling because something so black and wonderful had happened’.

The incident last week at Obz Cafe in the Western Cape, South Africa, has ignited a backlash against Mr Qwabe, who was branded a racist bully.

Miss Schultz’s friends said she had already been feeling low as her mother has cancer.

One said: ‘She has a very sick mother she cares for, and had to move flat recently and is worried about all of this. She did burst into tears because she is having a tough time at present.’

Online campaigns sprang up to ‘tip the waitress’ and last night they had pledges topping £2,000.

Stacey-Leigh Wood, a friend of Miss Schultz, said: ‘This is so sweet of everyone that donated. That other idiot [Mr Qwabe] still needs to be slapped though.’

South African Mr Qwabe is a Rhodes scholar at Oxford University, meaning he receives money from the Rhodes estate to study.

But he is also one of the leaders of the Rhodes Must Fall movement, which wants the statue of the 19th-century imperialist removed from Oriel College.

Here is the monkey’s Facebook post, bragging about making her cry.

We need to remove these monkeys, ASAP.

There is literally no benefit. All they do is whine and abuse us.