Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 20, 2015

So a British mother and her kids are getting death threats for moving into a Black neighborhood. They also smeared poop – presumably their own – across her front door.
I’m not in Britain to know how much the mainstream news there is covering this, but checking on Google News, there is almost nothing.
The Mirror covered it:
A mother has been become the victim of a racist campaign after her front door was covered with faeces and a letter posted through saying her home was “for black sisters and brothers”.
Sammie Sunter was staggered to find the note also had a drawing of a gun on it and a racial slur for a white person, while graffiti was also sprayed across her front door.
Miss Sunter, 24, made the shocking discovery just days after moving into her new flat in Willenhall, Coventry, with her two young boys.
According to the Coventry Telegraph , the note also states that “Willenhall is black so f*** off”, while the word “Oyinbo” which is Nigerian slang for a white person, was also written.
West Midlands Police is treating the attack as racially aggravated criminal damage and said the incident was being taken “very seriously”.
Housing association Whitefriars, which owns the flat, has confirmed there has also been a “previous incident” at the address.
Sammie, who lives with sons Harvey Anderson, two, and Oscar Rock, five, said: “I had to explain racism to my five-year-old.
“It’s just not acceptable.
“I said that it looked like whoever was responsible was African.
“He wanted to know why they hated us.
“He didn’t really understand.
“If we are equal what gives the person responsible the right to do that?
“I told him that whoever was responsible was going to get punished, but who knows if that will happen.”
Dear, it obviously will not happen, because punishing Black people for murder threats and poop-smearing is racist, just like it is racist to punish Pakis for screwing little kids. Them’s just the facts of life.
She continued:
“You hold your head up high but it’s disgusting.
“Whitefriars were the first people I rang when this happened and when I spoke to someone they said they didn’t think it would happen again.
“I think they have allowed this to happen.
“If it’s happened before, and they have neglected to tell me, then they have put me and my children in danger.”
I don’t know what “Whitefriars” are, but if they are White British people in some position of authority, then yes, I would assume they allowed it to happen. Because causing suffering to White families is one of the fundamental principles of “British values” or whatever.
Here’s here door:

And here are some of the notes:
Is there anyone anywhere who denies that these people hate us? It seems to be a fact that while not discussed is also not denied. Liberals, when it is brought up, simply imply – or just say outright – that yes, of course they hate us, but we deserve it.
And right now, maybe it doesn’t matter to these people that they hate us, because it isn’t breaking down society totally. The trains are still running. The Blacks can kill this woman and her kids, and it wouldn’t change anything about the way society works. But what about as their numbers increase? With this type of violent hatred, right there in our faces, and seeing the way they breed, and the numbers that are being brought in, how can anyone think this situation makes sense?
I mean, let’s put aside our own position as hate-filled evil Nazis for a second, and try to think from the perspective of a normal, uninformed person. What exactly is the plan? Do they believe that magically, they are going to stop hating us at some undetermined point in the future for no reason? We aren’t even having a serious discussion about why they hate us, it is just a bunch of vague references to alleged historic oppression and present-day secret conspiracies to hurt their feelings.
This just demonstrates how ridiculous the whole thing is, how driven by womanly emotions the multicultural agenda is, how completely devoid of any form of basic logic or planning. It is just “well, we’ll bring all these people into our country, and somehow it will all work out.” But none of the issues which are coming up are being dealt with. When Moslems in Europe murder people, the answer is to say that Islam is peaceful and then bomb the Middle East in retaliation.
None of it even makes sense. It is important to realize that point. We are not involved in a logical debate here. We are not discussing ideas, we are not discussing potential outcomes of current decisions. Anyone who attempts to bring up these topics is simply silenced based on a childlike appeal to ridiculous artificially manufactured emotions.
What this woman is experiencing is the microcosm of what is happening across the White world: death threats and smeared poop. And it is a forshadowing of what we are all going to be dealing with very soon. All of these different races are horrible and useless, and they all hate us, and their numbers are increasing by the hour, and we are doing nothing to stop it or even talking about what is going to happen.
I had a conversation with a British liberal not too long ago. I’m good at talking to people, you know. I got to the point where I asked him if he thought that maybe studies should be done about the long-term sociological effects of multiculturalism before we implement it on such a wide scale, and he said no. I brought up the hostility that most Moslems hold toward White people, and said “what if it doesn’t work?”
He said “it has to work.”
And I said, “yeah, but what if it doesn’t.”
He paused a moment and I watched the wheels in his head turn before he said “if it doesn’t work, then there’s going to be a war.”