UK: Wild Paki Emerges From Bushes, Holds Knife to Baby’s Throat While Robbing Grandmother

See, this is the thing about multiculturalism.

If you want the grenade attacks, the trucks of peace, the gang rapes and the terror bombings, you have to accept the occasional bad thing too.

It’s a trade-off.


Police are seeking an “Asian male” with a “foreign accent” who held a knife to the throat of a 19-month baby during a “terrifying” daylight street robbery in Normanby, England.

“The incident happened between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Friday (May 24) as the victim, a woman in her 40s, was taking her 19-month-old grandson for a walk,” recounted Cleveland Police in an official witness appeal.

“She was pushing the pushchair along the footpath in the wooded area off Ormesby Road, Normanby, when a man came out of the bushes in front of her and demanded her purse.

“When the victim refused the man produced a knife and placed it to her grandchild’s throat. The victim then handed over her purse and the man ran off towards Normanby High Street.”

Police described the suspect as an “Asian male” in his early to mid-twenties, around 6-feet tall, with a “foreign accent” and “very bad teeth”.

In British parlance, “Asian” normally refers to people with roots in the Middle East and South Asia — particularly Pakistan and Bangladesh, and often including Afghanistan — rather the Far East, as it does in the United States.