UK: Women Terrified After Series of Random Syringe Needle Attacks by Nonwhite Terrorist

November 17, 2013

The Wanted man is obviously Non-White.

Detectives in Birmingham have told of the “agonising wait” faced by young women stabbed with hypodermic needles in a series of attacks in the city.

Police have released an image of a suspect after a 30-year-old woman was stabbed in the thigh in Broad Street, central Birmingham, at 03:00 GMT on 3 November.

Detectives believe the attack could be linked to two similar incidents in the same area of the city earlier this year, but have said the motive was “unclear.”

In the latest incident a woman was stabbed in the thigh and reported feeling a sharp pain, which was later confirmed to be a puncture wound.

On June 23 a 20-year-old woman was stabbed twice in the thigh and buttock while on a night-out and on October 6 a similar attack took place on a 28-year-old woman. Police said they had received five similiar reports in total over the last year-and-a-half.

Detective Inspector Julie Woods said: “Although the women have not been left with any obvious physical injuries they have had to endure an agonising wait to check that they have not suffered any long-lasting health effects.

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