UK Writer in Trouble for Preferring Moslems Focus-Kill Other Moslems

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
October 24, 2018

What is so unreasonable about this humble thought-leader’s proposal?


Sunday Times columnist, Rod Liddle has caused a furore on social media after penning an article about hate preacher and IS sympathizer Anjem Choudary, in which he encourages British Islamists to “blow themselves up” in London.

Sunday Times columnist, Rod Liddle has caused a furore on social media after penning an article about hate preacher and IS sympathizer Anjem Choudary, in which he encourages British Islamists to “blow themselves up” in London.

In his Sunday Times article, Liddle alleges that Choudary had encouraged British Islamists to leave the UK and blow themselves up, to which he remarks “I really don’t mind” – adding they can do that here in the UK, as long as it’s far from where any of us live, like Tower Hamlets. The east London borough of Tower Hamlets has a large muslim population. 

I think that Rod made a similar argument to the whole “Sex Ed” argument that they used to push on us in school.

Kids are going to have sex no matter what, so we may as well tell them to have sex, but not harm themselves. 

A variation of this is Rod’s argument:

Moslems are going to blow themselves up no matter what, so we may as well encourage them to just harm themselves. 

Solid thinking. No one cares about what happens in Tower Hamlets. Those are the Lost Territories.

So, yes.

Let them blow themselves up in turf wars between ISIS and Al-Qaeda and Al-Nusra and Muslim Brotherhood or whatever.

Liddle writes: “He has urged British Islamists to leave the country and blow themselves up. Me too. Actually, I don’t really mind if they don’t leave the country, so long as they blow themselves up – somewhere a decent distance from where the rest of us live. Tower Hamlets, for example.”

The right-wing journo, who is also associate editor of The Spectator, has received widespread condemnation on social media for his comments. Mehdi Hasan, a presenter on Al Jazeera and columnist for The Intercept labelled Liddle’s article as “racism and incitement to violence.”

Is the British establishment trying to suggest that it is better that they blow up White Britons instead? 

Since we know they’re going to blow up somebody, we need to sit down like adults and pick who. 

Rod Little’s suggestion must be considered.