UKIP Deputy Treasurer Hugh Williams: Poland “Goaded” Nazi Germany into War

Jason Beattie
August 21, 2013

Nigel Farage Visits Prague
UKIP leader Nigel Farage has vowed to spend more time overseeing party, making sure they stay ‘politically correct.’

UKIP deputy treasurer Hugh Williams has written a history book in which he claims Poland “goaded” Nazi Germany into the invasion that sparked the second world war.

He also describes the recent child abuse scandal within the Catholic Church as “statistically negligible” – and suggests Winston Churchill admired Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin.

Mr Williams, who boasts he is “proud of being politically incorrect”, gives only two mentions to the suffragettes in his book From Ur to Us, Everything you Need to Know about History.

It is the latest embarrassment for UKIP leader Nigel Farage, following a string of gaffes by high-profile members and the shock departure of party chief executive Will Gilpin.

Mr Farage admitted today that he had to “get a grip” on the party.