Daily Slave
October 21, 2014

UKIP has struck a deal with a Polish MEP whose party leader, Janusz Korwin-Mikke, has raised questions about the stupid Jewish Holocaust hoax.
He’s also made some funny comments about how “four million niggers” lost their jobs in the United States because JFK raised the minimum wage in the early 1960s.
Even though I’m not sure I agree with everything this guy says, I like the fact that he’s a a loose cannon and says what’s on his mind. He sure doesn’t seem like a pussy that’s for sure.
The deal means that the EFDD group, set up by Farage, has 25 MEPs from seven countries, which should guarantee that Ukip will maintain about £1m a year in funding. The group received €2.6m (£2.1m) in 2013. Ukip accounts for 53.3% of the group.The deal is yet to be confirmed by the European parliament, after Iwaszkiewicz’s application was handed in this afternoon.
Korwin-Mikke, whose party has two remaining MEPs and received 7.5% support in Poland during May’s European parliamentary elections, is one of the most outspoken figures within the far-right groupings of parliament.
In July, he declared in English that the minimum wage should be “destroyed” and said that “four million niggers” lost their jobs in the US as a result of President John F Kennedy signing a bill on the minimum wage in 1961. He went on to claim that 20 million young Europeans were being treated as “negroes” as a result of the minimum wage. He refused to apologise and was fined 10 days of allowances for his comments.
Korwin-Mikke has also called for the vote to be taken away from women, has claimed that the difference between rape and consensual sex is “very subtle” and said that Adolf Hitler was “probably not aware that Jews were being exterminated”.
This situation provides further evidence for the theory, forwarded by various extremists, that Nigel Farage is a lot more hardcore than he lets on.