UKIP MEP Calls for Death Penalty to be Reintroduced

Daily Stormer
August 15, 2014

Louise Bours has called for child-killers to be lawfully executed.

The death penalty has always been the traditional European way of dealing with murderers, rapists, faggots and cowards.

Longer life is no boon to the sinner himself in such a case, and that his decease will bring a double blessing to his neighbors; it will be a lesson to them to keep themselves from wrong, and will rid society of an evil man. These are the reasons for which a legislator is bound to ordain the chastisement of death for such desperate villainies, and for them alone.


For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.

-Saint Paul, Romans 13:4

Traitors and deserters are hanged on trees; cowards, shirkers, and sodomites are pressed down under a wicker hurdle into the slimy mud of a bog. This distinction in the punishments is based on the idea that offenders against the state should be made a public example of, whereas deeds of shame should be buried out of men’s sight.

-Tacitus, Gemania

And yet the disease of liberalism has taken over Britain, and removed the entire practice from British law.

Daily Mail:

To mark the fiftieth anniversary of the last execution in Britain today a newly-elected UKIP MEP has called for its reintroduction.

Louise Bours, who represents North West England in the European Parliament, said there was no ‘ethical reason’ to keep child killers and police murderers alive.

The remarks, which come as anti-death penalty activists welcomed today’s milestone, are likely to spark controversy.

Louise Bours, appearing on BBC’s Question Time alongside footballer Joey Barton (right), has called for the reintroduction of the death penalty.

It comes as a poll shows falling support for capital punishment – although the public are still narrowly in favour of its reintroduction.

Ms Bours, UKIP’s health spokesman, claimed today that the public were ‘fed up’ with the criminal justice system.

She said: ‘The death penalty won’t bring back a tortured and murdered child, but it seems natural justice that the family will know the killer has paid the ultimate price and isn’t still breathing when their child is not.

An innocent child has more of a right to life than the monster that took their life, so I see no ethical reason why we are obliged to keep him alive.

‘Why should double cop-killer Dale Cregan be kept alive, after shooting them more than 8 times and using a hand-grenade. His crime wasn’t impulsive or emotional, he lured them in with a fake 999 call and he’d killed two other people prior to that.’

She added: ‘Paul Bone, the father of murdered WPC Fiona Bone agrees that the death penalty should be brought back, and as his life has been devastated by a cold-blooded killer, I think his views should be listened to.

‘The killers of Lee Rigby despise the UK and want to kill us all, yet we have to use tax-payers money to keep them alive and well in prison, and look after their ‘human-rights’.

Despite strong support for the death penalty among UKIP supporters it is not the party’s official policy.

UKIP’s Ms Bours said the notorious killers of Drummer Lee Rigy – Michael Adebolajo (left) and Michael Adebowale (right) – should also be sentenced to death.

Killing criminals who commit horrible crimes serves as a deterrent. It is also justice. Beyond this, it is hardly civilized to keep a man in a cage for the rest of his life. It is expensive and without purpose.