UKIP MEP Forced to Back Down After Tweeting About Jewess Harriet Harman’s Links to Pedophilia

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
October 9, 2014

UKIP MEP for Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire reads the Cigpapers blog.

A UKIP MEP has gotten herself into trouble with the Jews.  Although she stood her ground at first, eventually they forced her to make an apology.

Jane Collins is in hot water after Tweeting a link to the Cigpapers blog, which is Pro-White and exposes the Holohoax. Predictably, the Jews got all excited about this and made pests of themselves by continually ringing the UKIP office to complain.

The only available screenshot of the tweet is very small.
The only available screenshot of the tweet is very small.

The article which Jane had linked to made reference to Harriet Harman being a Jewess, which according to the Jewish News is being Antisemitic. One thing the Jews really hate is actually being identified as Jews. The UKIP office refused to accept this though, and used the Jewish News itself to prove to them that calling someone a Jewess is not Antisemitic.

They continued to pester the office though and eventually she caved in and apologised for linking to Cigpapers, saying that she was unaware of the rest of the content on there.

It is a shame that she was forced to apologize for the views of somebody else. It was not Jane Collins’ blog that had articles critical of the Jews on it, and the fact that Cig names the Jew should have no bearing on whether his research into Harriet Harman’s pedophile links is credible or not.

The Jewish News certainly never refuted any of the information on his blog, they just claimed that Harriet Harman’s faith was not Jewish, as if that had anything to do with being a Jew or not.

Trust the Jews to be more interested in the way someone uses the word ‘Jewess’ than the rape of children.

It is good that a UKIP MEP is reading blogs like Cigpapers though, even if she does feel she has to apologize for it.

jane-collins-ukip 2
Jane Collins was also in the news recently when she received death threats after calling for the Councillors at Rotherham to resign.