Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 8, 2013
This is a video of a UKIP politician, Victoria Ayling, doing multiple takes of a publicity spot, and what she says off the record is a whole lot more interesting than what she says on the record.
This speaks directly to the problem I keep pointing out with British Nationalism: British people are exceedingly conscious of form and politeness, and thus are unwilling to directly confront the issues at hand, preferring instead to dance around them, trying to be effective while offending no one (or only slightly offending them, in a socially acceptable fashion).
She wants to say it, she knows the people want to hear it, but she won’t say it because… British people are uptight in a way that I as an American am incapable of grasping.
The bottom line is that people don’t want this filter. They want to hear politicians say the hardcore truth like the Golden Dawn does. Our people are in a crisis situation, and we need men of action, willing to speak and act in a bold and decisive manner, without fear of offending the sensibilities of the sensitive.
She is, of course, being charged with some type of racism whatever, even though she didn’t intend for these statements to be released publicly.