UKIP’s Token Pakistani MEP Defects After Being Caught Stealing

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
January 25, 2015

Amjad Bashir says that he is going over for practical reasons: that only the Tories can achieve real change, but he was being investigated for criminal financial impropriety and was due to be suspended from UKIP today.

One of UKIP’s most visible token brown men has predictably shown his true colors and been suspended from the party for financial impropriety.  In a desperate bid to hide his criminal behavior, he has jumped ship to the Conservatives and is now trying to play down the real reason for his defection.

UKIP had been investigating MEP Amjad Bashir for quite some time and a party source said that he knew that he was going to be getting his marching orders today, so he slyly went to see Commissar Cameron and applied to join the Tories yesterday.

The Pakistani Moslem also stands accused of interfering with the UKIP candidate selection process and having a continued affiliation with Mujeeb Bhutto, another token colorful, who resigned from the party after it came out that he had been jailed for his role in a Pakistani kidnapping gang.

Come on Nigel, we could all see what he was going to be like, why couldn’t you?

Nigel Farage confirmed for the Daily Echo that “UKIP has suspended Amjad Bashir MEP pending further investigations into unanswered financial and employment questions.”

While A UKIP spokesman explained further that  “The UK Independence Party has a zero-tolerance policy and takes the matters at hand extremely seriously.  The allegations against Mr Bashir are of a grave nature and we will be forwarding our evidence obtained so far to the police.  UKIP will not tolerate anyone abusing their positions in the party, as we have a firm commitment to differing ourselves from the existing political classes. As a result, Mr Bashir’s involvement with the party was suspended today with immediate effect pending further investigations.”

Cameron is said to be pleased with the defection as the back-stabbing Coolie is now rubbishing UKIP and claiming that they have a ‘ridiculous’ lack of policies and are more interested in ‘furthering their own interests as a political party, than delivering for the British people.’

UKIP really only need to have one policy if they want to help the authentic British people, and that is to get Britain out of the EU.

Once that is done and sovereignty returned, the country will be free to defend its borders again and can start shipping all the parasitic freeloaders like Bhutto back to the hell-holes they came from.

Please don’t replace him with another one Nigel.