Ukraine: Female MP Claims 1.2 Million Pigs Have “Illegally” Fled Slaughterhouse

It’s an American directive that all Ukraine boars must be marched into the slaughterhouse while Ukraine sows are marched into European whorehouses.

They’re all just meat.

However, if the men flee, it’s not clear if the US actually cares. They seem to just not want them in the Ukraine. If they go do crimes in Germany, Italy, and France, that appears to be fine with the Jewish masters.

Of course, Ukraine women want all the men dead, and they want to hunt them down in the EU.


Ukrainian authorities estimate that as many as 1.2 million men have fled the country illegally since the conflict with Russia escalated in February 2022, MP Anna Skorokhod has said.

The lawmaker cited internal statistics in an interview with journalist Lana Shevchuk on Thursday. In addition to draft dodgers, roughly 8 million Ukrainian citizens have left the country legally, she said. Another 2 million resided outside Ukraine before the conflict escalated, Skorokhod added.

The MP did not specify whether she was including Ukrainian citizens who have fled to Russia and Belarus rather than Western countries. She offered the numbers when discussing possible elections in Ukraine and how the government could engage voters living abroad.

Draft avoidance has been a major obstacle to Kiev’s plans to bolster the military through mandatory conscription, following an overhaul of the military service system earlier this year.

You can call the “Ukraine People” a lot of things. You can call them retards and pigs and Jew-lovers. That’s all true.

One thing you cannot call them is “cowards.” In fact, they’re whatever the diametric opposite of cowards. Not simply “brave,” but reckless and belligerent, completely deluded about their own abilities.

The fact that they’re fleeing the war in these numbers demonstrates clearly that they know it’s so, so over, and they are fed-up with the women and Jews telling them they have to die for American financial interests and global domination schemes (AKA “strategic objectives”).

The US is clearly trying to depopulate the Ukraine, so there is no one to resist their agenda in the country. There can’t be any other objective at this point. The war is over. Russia has taken down virtually every single one of the NATO fortified cities, and they’re preparing to make a beeline to the river.

The US could easily “freeze” the conflict and claim victory because “Putin didn’t accomplish his goal of invading Poland and reestablishing the USSR as a Christian fascist empire” (this is literally what they’ve claimed for 3 years is his goal).

Instead, the Biden People are trying to get as many Ukraine men killed as possible before Donald Trump takes over and tries to reach some kind of détente with the Russians.

The other thing that could be driving this push for the war to never end is that Russia is an ally of the Middle Eastern states that Israel is trying to destroy, and it’s possible that the Israel Jews think if Russia is tied up in the Ukraine, they won’t be able to do as much for their allies. But that logic hardly works, given that what the Ukraine war has done is put Russia on a war-footing, which means they have hundreds of thousands of hardened soldiers ready to go to assist Iran and the rest of their Islamic allies.

The Ukraine war is no longer a challenge for Russia. They able to freely use it as a proving grounds for recruits who can then be used elsewhere in the world.

Do the Jews want there to be many more battle-hardened Russian soldiers ready to do what needs to be done all over the world?