Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 16, 2014

More evidence proving the Jewish nature of the Ukrainian “nationalist” coup and the White European nature of the resistance has emerged. As if we needed it.
The Jewish oligarch Igor Kolomoisky, who was appointed governor of the region of Dnepropetrovsk by the Maidan Jewish coup government, has been recorded on a phone conversation threatening Oleg Tsarov, a White European Ukrainian and supporter of secession and federalization in the Eastern Regions. The Jew tells the White man that because a Jew has died, he has a $1,000,000 bounty on his head.
The tape was released on May 14th.
Oleg has confirmed the authenticity of the tape.
Here is the full transcript, as translated by Sott (VoR has a variant translation).
Kolomoisky: Hello,
Tsarev: Hello.
Kolomoisky: Where are you? Still there?
Tsarev: Still there.
Kolomoisky: How are you?
Tsarev: Fine.
Kolomoisky: We’ve got a serious accident. One Jew from Dnepropetrovsk Jewish community died.
Tsarev: What happened?
Kolomoisky: Well, one Jew from Dnepropetrovsk Jewish community died. I am at the synagogue now.Tsarev: What was he doing there?
Kolomoisky: It doesn’t matter what he was doing. They say that your head costs a lot of money now [censored].
Tsarev: Mine?
Kolomoisky: One million dollars. Yours. Yes. They say they will be searching you everywhere. Just wanted to tell you this. I wanted to tell you that you’d better stay in Moscow, do not return.
Tsarev: Let me tell you one thing. In Africa there is such …
Kolomoisky: Tomorrow they will be catching your people here.
Tsarev: In Africa there is such … poison…
Kolomoisky: Listen, I don’t give a [censored] what is there in Africa. Don’t tell me this crap. I’m telling you we’ve been praying in synagogue before the Shabbat. We’ve been praying for Shlemkevitch, the Jew who was killed in Mariupol [censored].
Tsarev: So…
Kolomoisky: They say Tsarev is to blame [censored]. And tomorrow they will search for all your relatives first [censored]. Tell them to leave [censored]. Because we will hang them right in the square [censored]… I’m telling you, tell Markov that he shouldn’t come here either. To Ukraine, I mean. No way. Hallo.
Tsarev: Don’t phone me anymore, Igor.
Kolomoisky: Not to phone you? OK. Bye, Tsarev. That’s it.
So, that is a Jewish oligarch, a member of the Maidan coup, telling a resistance figure that because a Jew died, he and his family are going to be hunted down and murdered. The Jew learned this at the synagogue, while the Jewish community was praying for the dead Jew, and plotting revenge against the goyim responsible.
Bogdan Shlemkevich was a Jewish member of the Ukrainian national guard from Kolomoisky’s region, who was killed while attempting to subdue the people of Mauripol in one of Maidan’s terrorist operations there on May 9th.
You may ask why it would be that a Jew would call up a goyim and warn him about a hit out against him. Well, obviously, it is meant to keep him out of the country. The Jews at the synagogue were no doubt holding a lot more people than simply Tsarov responsible. That doesn’t mean that it isn’t a real threat, but simply that they would probably rather not have to kill him and his family, as this would certainly bring more light upon their dirty dealings.
Oleg Tsarov was running for President in the supposedly upcoming 2014 elections on a pro-Russian platform before he was brutally beaten and run out of Kiev. In late April, he withdrew his Presidential bid in protest.

If opposition candidates are being attacked on the street, and then threatened with murder, one certainly has to wonder how these “free elections” the Jews have declared are going to work.
A second leaked tape, which implicates the Jew Kolomoisky in ordering the slaughter of civilians in Odessa on May 2, has also been released.
The tape is a conversation between the President of Customs Union Suppliers Association, Oleg Noginsky, and someone he calls “Yan Borisovich,” who may in fact be a member of the Israeli consul to the Ukraine. The conversation took place on May 10th. Translation again from Sott, original Russian is here.
Ian: Hallo.
Noginski: Hallo. Ian Borisovich, good evening. I beg your pardon. Happy holiday. Did I wake you up?
Ian: Oh, no. It’s not too late. Happy holiday you too. Wish you peace, good health and well-being…
Noginski: Ian Borisovich, I’m calling because of a serious problem, it makes me really concerned.
Ian: What happened?
Noginski: Well, the 9th of May in Mariupol, did you see what happened there? Certain Shelemchak was killed there.
Ian: Who was it?
Noginski: A Jew from Dnipropetrovsk. At least if we can trust Kolomoysky. But what is even worse, Mr. Kolomoysky called Tsarov and told him that broadly speaking that day in all synagogues of Ukraine it was announced to all right Jews that there will be a reward for the head of Tsarov’s and Russian separatists. When I heard the word ‘synagogue’…
Ian: You don’t say so. That can’t be. I just know that… Today I went to a synagogue. We were reading prayers. Everything was, so to say…
Noginski: Ian Borisovich, I’m not saying that, surely, it didn’t happen in the synagogues… But when he is speaking about it… I don’t know whether he was recorded or not. In case his words appear in the media, can you imagine what happens in that case?
Ian: Did Kolomoyskyi say it was Tsarov exactly?
Noginski: Yes. A million ($) for his head. He also said that the next day his family would be hanging. His relatives. Listen, I just repeat his words… You know, Oleg, he is not like anybody else, he never lies. And he sent it to me late in the evening, he was deeply shocked. Another man who was by his side at that moment told me the same.
Ian: Terrible. No, I just can’t understand how a Jew… Jews in general, so to say, must not allow themselves anything of the kind… Gave him a personal call?
Noginski: Yes, he likes it. He called Markov (Ukrainian MP (deputy) Igor Markov) recently, told him how he would get burned in case he comes to Odessa. That’s kind of his amusement. I’m not sure but I feel like he went crazy, seriously. By the way, that’s a totally proved out fact that he paid those guys in Odessa. Totally. And it was done to seat Palytsia as governor. Even at the “Fatherland” (Party of Tymoshenko) headquarters they prove it out… The situation went out of hand. Their task was to beat them up, give them the works so that they all get to the hospital, and the camp was to be totally destroyed.
Ian: Well, you know, there were the guys of Avakov (Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine). They could have done it all.
Noginski: Well, there was an agreement. In case… it all still keeps voiced. There was an agreement. He came up and said, ‘Why are you fiddling around that Odessa’? There was that ‘Kulikovo Field’ all the time, non-stop. ‘You better give Odessa to me and it will be just like in Dnipropetrovsk.’ So to say, no one will dare to show up. They said, ‘OK’.
Ian: He used to come to Odessa. He has already been in Odessa.
Noginski: He is still there. And has been busy during the recent three days with what makes 16 people dead who had been arrested and stayed alive after the ‘Trade Unions House’. Two people were put a knife near the building. And so forth.
Ian: Well, Oleg, I just, you know, can’t believe that Benya (Kolomoysky nickname) is able to do that.
Noginski: You know, many people here say they feel he went kind of crazy. These days, you know, Korban is actively trying to take Tsarov’s property. Well, there’s nothing I can add.
Ian: I just don’t know him, that’s why I cannot say anything. I don’t know him.
Noginski: Well, he is a good friend of Benya… And Filatov (first assistant of Kolomoysky) already gives a reward for “moskals” (Russians) and already pays. I just… Ian Borisovich, the thing it that Benya’s affairs are up to him. He can do whatever he likes. In case he imagines himself second Hitler… Well, I think there will be a second Nazi Germany on the territory of a small piece of Ukraine. Benya will be a multibillionaire and the owner of this territory. But what Jews in the rest of the world will do… I just think it is necessary to publicly back off from this process right away.
Ian: What do you mean? What process?
Noginski: From Kolomoysky. From Benya.
Ian: Well, how?
Noginski: Just report that in this case the world Jewish community, firstly, has nothing to do with personal position of Mr. Kolomoysky, secondly, a) don’t back up neither Odessa, nor Mariupol, nor any other and sincerely sympathize with them. And thirdly, state that in case any of Jews is noticed in Nazi crimes, we will be first to deal with it.
Ian: Thank god, there hasn’t been any problem with it lately.
Noginski: The more so because of one man who decided to become a billionaire, a multibillionaire or imagined himself to be an owner of Ukraine…
Ian: No, the matter is that the synagogues are… They should be standing apart from all these things. A synagogue is a place for meeting, it’s a prayer place. It should deal with inner life of Jews. That’s it. This is so to say what a synagogue is about. So, dealing with so to say politics, dealing with such things and backing up…
Noginski: I mean… You know, I’ve got such feeling that standing apart is not an option for us.
Ian: Come again.
Noginski: We can’t help standing apart. By the way, I asked Oleg not to make it public. His first thought was to make it public.
Ian: No. By doing this he will definitely bring reproach on Jews right away.
Noginski: You don’t say so! It will start a huge wave of tension. The more so, it will start all over the world.
So here you have what are presumably two Jews slightly flipping out over the possibility that one of their reckless kinsmen is going to blow the whole game in the Ukraine by going around ordering his “Neo-Nazis” to burn people alive and calling up politicians and threatening to murder them and their whole families.

Jews always back each other up, but they do not always agree with each other. As things get more and more confusing on the global scene, they seem to be disagreeing with one another more and more. Because the question of “what is good for the Jews?” is not always answered simply. In this case, the Jews of the second phone conversation believe that the Maidan Jewish coup government is going to be able to handle things and lock down the country, while the Jew Kolomoisky wants to do everything mafia-style.
Interestingly (or not), most media outlets – including RT – are only giving parts of these transcripts, and removing all mention of the Jews. But it doesn’t matter, because whoever is releasing these tapes (presumably Russian intelligence or the Ukrainian Cyber Militia) is releasing them directly to the people, rather than for the media to filter and edit.
The tapes that keep popping up on YouTube really are changing the nature of conflict. I think this is a very good thing. The truth is becoming known. It is incredible that these people keep having such conversations on unsecured lines.
We Wait for the Tsar to Move
It is clear that the Russians are a European people, defending their interests against the parasitical Jew. Let us hope that Putin continues to represent them as he did in Crimea, and launches a full-scale invasion of the Ukraine to stop these Jews from killing everyone who refuses to bow down before them.
Make the call, Tsar Vladimir. For your people cry out for justice.