Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 29, 2014

Ukraine is now destined to be a member of the EU, and London is destined to absorb the country’s entire population.
Jew Poroshenko just signed an integration deal with a wink-wink.
The document signed Friday was the same one that was rejected in November by Ukraine’s then-president, Viktor Yanukovych. That decision sparked months of protests by pro-Western Ukrainians, a crackdown by Yanukovych and his eventual ouster in February, generating the highest tensions between the West and Russia since the Cold War.
Friday is “maybe the most important day for my country after independence day” following the 1991 breakup of the Soviet Union, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said as he signed the deal in Brussels, using the pen he said Yanukovych would have used to sign it in November. “All of us would have wished to sign the agreement under different, more comfortable circumstances. On the other hand, the external aggression faced by Ukraine is another strong reason for this crucial step.”
The agreements will open the vast 28-nation E.U. market, with its 504 million residents, to tariff-free exports from the three countries in exchange for gradual work toward bringing regulations up to European standards.
Londoners, aren’t you so happy you’ll soon have more friends like this –
– filling the streets of your peaceful multicultural paradise?
I’m jealous! I might have to move to London myself to enjoy some of the joyous new diversity the Ukrainians will be bringing to you, my Anglo-Saxon brothers. Imagine the Polish invasion, again, but with people from a way poorer and more violent version of Poland – it is going to be the ultimate vibrancy!
Oh but don’t worry, this isn’t full membership into the EU. 50 million Slavic alcoholics and prostitutes won’t be showing up for a couple years. You’ll have time to make preparations for them, certainly, won’t you, dear Londoners?
If you can’t manage to line up jobs for millions of new immigrants, don’t you worry you – they won’t complain too much if they have to live on benefits.
We should really be happy for the Ukrainians as well, who are being given the opportunity to donate all this extra money to God’s Chosen People. Oh, and all of the Muslim immigration and gay sex they will get to enjoy in this bright new future – I feel so excited for them!