Daily Stormer
April 9, 2015

The Ukraine no longer tries to distort the fact that they are waging an open war of aggression against a civilian population in the east. Instead of trying to distort it, they are instead just saying it is good.
And it isn’t just Catholics, either.
On March 22, in his Sunday sermon, the Patriarch Philaret of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Kyiv Patriarchate explained to his parishioners in Volodymyrsky cathedral in Kyiv that Ukrainian soldiers who are killing civilians and rebels in Donbas do not transgress God’s commandment “thou shalt not kill”.
Why? Because they are defending their own land against “separatists” who want to join Donbas to Russia. These separatists as well as their masters in Moscow carry inside themselves the root of evil. They do not want to recognize that Donbas is a Ukrainian land and has been for centuries. Donbas villagers speak Ukrainian, said Philaret. These people are the indigenous population of Donbas. Separatists are foreigners, strangers who came from Russia and other republics of the Soviet Union and Russian Empire over the decades and settled on Ukrainian land. Ukrainian land welcomed them gladly. But instead of being thankful for life, for refuge, for bread that the Ukrainian land provided them, these ungrateful separatists want to deliver the land to Russia, a land which does not belong to them. They want to betray Donbas, as Judas betrayed his master, Jesus Christ. Are their actions just? Any intelligent person will answer: “no”. They commit injustices, they go against their own conscience, stated Patriarch Philaret.
To be clear, Philaret is not internationally recognized as an authority or even a member of the Orthodox Church. He was defrocked in 1992 and placed under anathema in 1997. He now runs a self-proclaimed “Ukrainian Orthodox Church.”
He has always been a political tool of the Jews, and has stood accused of being an informant for the KGB.