Ultimate Debate Showdown: As It Happened

FULL VIDEO (starts about 1:00:00):

NOTE: For anyone watching this tonight because they missed it last night, here’s a drinking game created by Matt Taibbi:

Be careful, because you will definitely get seriously smashed. Even I would get smashed playing that game, and I have the alcohol tolerance of a hippopotamus.

(Editor’s Note: I love hippos and I want to kill one and eat it and gain its strength. I think it will enable me to drink more.)

Right off the bat, things were weird, as Kamala went to shake Trump’s hand and said “I’m Kamala Harris.” Like yo bitch, we know your name already. No one knows how to say it, but we know it.

Kamala got the first question and it is painful to watch her talk. It is the most focus-grouped talking points tripe I’ve ever heard. You can’t even concentrate on it, it just sounds like noise.

During the first question, she began to break down and speak gibberish, apparently forgetting the talking points.

Kinda boring back-and-forth. We already know everything Trump is going to say because he says the same stuff.

He’s not clear on abortion and there was some back-and-forth on that which might have been interesting to someone, but he’s refined his position and made it clear that he just wants it in the states. He also dodged the national ban thing by saying it doesn’t matter because that could never come to a vote.

Funny part: the moderator brought up that “JD Vance” said Trump would veto a national abortion ban and Trump said “well, I don’t even mind if he has his own views, but I’m not sure he should be speaking for me.”

“They are eating the dogs, they are eating the cats, they are eating the pets of the people who live there,” Trump said of the grotesque incomers.

“The people on television are saying their dog was eaten by the people who went there.”

That brought the cackle from Kamala, who then said: “Talk about extreme…”

Actually, you Hindu cunt, dog eating is extreme. Especially when it is someone’s pet. Talking about it is not.

The moderator claimed Springfield says no one is eating the dogs, but they are saying it.

There’s a picture of a dark as hell nog carrying a goose.

Trump is really good. It’s impossible not to like him, even if he is a complete Jew shill. He’s just too magnetic to resist. I don’t support him, because his whole thing is just too Jewish, but I can’t resist his charms either.

The stuff about the dogs was so good. And the rest of it is all good. I agree with everything he’s saying.

Kamala said her friend got raped and impregnated by her stepfather. Need a source on that.

Throughout the thing, Trump just goes to immigration and crime and Kamala goes to abortion. But Kamala really sucks. There is so much of this marketing gibberish. But she’s not as bad as a lot of people would have expected. I will say that. She is keeping composure, at least, and though the marketing talk is gibberish, she doesn’t slip up too often.

“She wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison” is one of the funniest sentences ever.

Trump did not back down on 2020 fraud. He had said, and we reported, “we lost by a whisker,” which seemed to be saying the election was real, but he said in this debate he was being sarcastic and he doesn’t believe in the 2020 election.


Kamala did the October 7th rape hoax and full “Israel has a right to defend itself.” Then she said “ceasefire” and “two-state solution.” She didn’t respond to the moderator saying Bibi doesn’t want a ceasefire or two states. Then she said she will go to war with Iran for Israel.

Trump went full-Israel, as you’d expect, saying Kamala hates Israel and Israel won’t exist if Kamala wins. He then flipped it and said she also hates Arabs and wants them all blown up.

Kamala then reasserted that she’s a Jew-lover and Trump loves dictators.

Trump was good on the Ukraine issue.

“They threw him out like a dog, we don’t even know if he’s our president, where is he?” Trump said of Biden and his handling of the wars.

Kamala said she’s different than Biden and it’s not who we are to give up in the Ukraine. I don’t know if we knew this, but she’s full-on “this war will never even end because it’s so moral.” I don’t think we knew she was taking such a hard line on the endless war. I thought she would sort of bend a bit on that.

She later said that she agrees with the surrender in Afghanistan, which doesn’t compute with support for the Ukraine. It’s the same thing: “We have to fight an endless war because we’re so moral and good.”

She just goes on and on with these slogans. It’s really exhausting to listen to.

She’s apparently very pro-gun now, by the way. I didn’t know that, but she’s big on guns.

“This is a crooked administration and they’re selling our country down the tubes” was a good line from the big guy.

ABC showed commercials for a documentary about Baywatch during the break, which is very American and hilarious. “You interested in this politics shitshow? Well, I bet you are also into TITS.” So true.

Closing Statements

Kamala did more of this “I believe in working together for the protection of who we are in a democracy because of the rules-based order.” Listening to this, you actually feel your lifeforce draining from your body.

We’ve got to go back to the NPC theory, because it’s obviously true. An NPC – a non-person, who doesn’t have actual thoughts of their own – is who this gibberish slogan-talk appeals to, and apparently it does appeal to people because this is all focus-grouped.

Trump’s closing statement was just his normal talking points. Back to Democrats pushing for a world war and destroying our country with immigrants.

No handshake at the end.


I haven’t read/watched what anyone else has said about this yet. Maybe people picked up on stuff I didn’t, because in the last debate, I didn’t realize how badly Biden came across. To me it just seemed like the same Biden we’d seen for years. In that case, apparently the media had covered up all the clips of him having dementia moments and people were not aware of this.

Maybe I missed something here. Maybe Kamala’s slogan-based marketing gibberish was delivered worse than it seemed to me. But this is all what I expected, though I did think Kamala did better than you’d expect, with fewer weird statements than I would have expected. She is known for both cackling and making a really serious face (like a child making a serious face) and saying confounding nonsense, and both of these behaviors were minimal, in my opinion. She didn’t cackle very much (although she did do it), and for the most part she seemed to have memorized lines that someone else wrote that made sense, instead of talking nonsense.

The debate was supposed to be an “introduction” to Kamala Harris for all of the fat, retarded Americans who don’t even really know who she is, and if that is the case in our sacred democracy where obese masturbating slobs, bulbous old sluts, and braindead niggers decide who runs the country, I guess she did as well as she could have. She seemed to be exactly what everyone would expect her to be, which is a defender of the established norms.

She is definitely better than Biden, and not only because she’s not senile, but because she is much less radical, at least in her speech. Insofar as he even has any basic idea what is happening, Biden was/is a hardcore extremist on basically every issue:

  • Open borders
  • Child trannies and manipulating children into becoming trannies, chopping them up
  • Endless global war, especially for Israel
  • Gun-grabbing
  • Extreme abortion
  • Weird ass crazy shit about American Indians owning all the land and apologizing to them at every event

Kamala has cut out the entire tranny thing and no one brings it up. The same with that lunatic “we respect the real owners of this land” tripe. That stuff is just gone.

Open borders and endless war can’t disappear, so she is talking about a crackdown on the border and then just doing double-talk on the global war. Again, I was surprised she was so extreme on the Ukraine, basically just saying the war should never end because of the importance of border integrity in the former USSR. She’s also full-Israel, but we knew that. She wasn’t even asked about Iran and offered that she wants to go to war with them for the Jews.

She says she supports gun rights and has an arsenal at her house. She should have said “and after this debate, I am going to go to Springfield and shoot down all those dog-eating niggers which have invaded our country.” She could have said that. No one would have cared. The entire support for open borders has collapsed, as I said it would, because the issue has now invaded the lives of the stupid women who supported this concept.

She actually even sort of backed down on third trimester abortions, although she wouldn’t outright say she was against it. But abortion is still really popular, because unlike mass immigration, women need abortion in order to function. Abortion is the primary issue of most women, even a lot of married women. No one actually has third trimester abortions, the whole concept is sort of retarded. Someone has done it before, but that is not a “right” women care to defend. Women just want to make sure that when they’re out fucking niggers, they can kill the little halfbreed so they don’t have to go on Tinder saying “I need someone who will be a proud father to this grotesque niglet I created.”

It Doesn’t Even Matter

Look, I did a summary and so on. I know people want that. But the reality is, this doesn’t matter, because US elections are fake.

It didn’t look like Trump had any chance in the fake election before October 7th, and then it became a big deal for the Jews that the government really support Israel hard, and so there was a clear chance for Trump to win a fake election because he is so extreme on Israel. But Kamala is also extreme on Israel, and the Jews obviously prefer someone who is not a masculine white male who inspires patriotism and nationalism.

No one can really predict what is going to happen.

In terms of which I would prefer – well, they are the same on Israel and the Jews, so it’s obvious that Trump would be better, if you’re just looking at the issues. However, Kamala would speed up the collapse of the US empire by quadrupling down on the Ukraine war, mass printing money, alienating the whole world (aside from US vassals in Europe), and so on. So there is an argument that maybe it is better to just accelerate with Kamala.

There are also probably arguments that Trump would accelerate things.

I don’t have a strong position. I literally don’t care. The Jews are going to choose the candidate that they think is best for their agenda, and nothing I say or do is going to affect that. I advise against voting, as it is unhealthy on a psychological and spiritual level to engage with this hoax, and by voting you are consenting to being governed by this system.

We need a new system. We have to get rid of democracy. It is a failed system and it is a system of oppression. We need some kind of system run by adults, intelligent men who care about the nation, about God, about the future of the white race. We need to have a system where the people have the ability to petition grievances and influence state policy. We need to have freedom and justice. It is obviously impossible to claim at this point that democracy provides any of that, and it is also obvious that there is no way out of this system using the system itself, so the system has to collapse before anything will ever change. Until then, these democracy faggots have men with guns they will send to kill you or lock you in a cage if you buck the system.

I’m ready for the future.