Ultra-Cocksucker McCabe Brings Back “Trump is a Russian Asset” Narrative

Andrew McCabe

I wish Trump was a Russian asset.

I wish when he was president the first time, he would have called in Russian peacekeepers to dismantle the US democracy and establish a dictatorship that works with Russia to liberate the Vagina Occupation Government states of Europe.

But the thing is: he was already president once, and he was totally psycho on Russia. People push this “he didn’t start any new wars” narrative, but he is the one who sent “lethal aid” to the Ukraine, and is therefore directly responsible for the current war.

Obviously, he wasn’t anywhere near as extreme as Joe Biden, but Joe Biden (or rather, the people who run the Biden Administration) has been the most aggressive warmonger in US history. More extreme even than George W. Bush. Biden is literally pushing for World War III against both Russia and China and fomenting a regional war in the Middle East.

But Trump was no friend to Russia. He laid the groundwork for this entire mess.

Bringing back this narrative, after Trump has already been president, is so retarded that it is only in America, a country of the most disgusting fat retards that have ever lived, where anyone could say something like this without being laughed off stage.

The Guardian:

Donald Trump can be seen as a Russian asset, though not in the traditional sense of an active agent or a recruited resource, an ex-FBI deputy director who worked under the former US president said.

Asked on a podcast if he thought it possible Trump was a Russian asset, Andrew McCabe, who Trump fired as FBI deputy director in 2018, said: “I do, I do.”

He added: “I don’t know that I would characterize it as [an] active, recruited, knowing asset in the way that people in the intelligence community think of that term. But I do think that Donald Trump has given us many reasons to question his approach to the Russia problem in the United States, and I think his approach to interacting with Vladimir Putin, be it phone calls, face-to-face meetings, the things that he has said in public about Putin, all raise significant questions.”

McCabe was speaking to the One Decision podcast, co-hosted by Sir Richard Dearlove, a former head of MI6, the British intelligence service.

McCabe was part of FBI leadership, briefly as acting director, during investigations of Russian interference in the 2016 election and links between Trump and Moscow. Trump fired McCabe in March 2018, two days before he was due to retire. McCabe was then the subject of a criminal investigation, for allegedly lying about a media leak. The investigation was dropped in 2020. In October 2021, McCabe settled a lawsuit against the justice department. Having written The Threat, a bestselling memoir, he is now an academic and commentator.

“You’re fired!”

Speaking to One Decision, McCabe said: “You have to have some very serious questions about, why is it that Donald Trump … has this fawning sort of admiration for Vladimir Putin in a way that no other American president, Republican or Democrat, ever has.

“It may just be from a fundamental misunderstanding of this problem set that’s always a problem. That’s always a possibility. And I guess the other end of that spectrum would be that there is some kind of relationship or a desire for a relationship of some sort, be it economic or business oriented, what have you.

I think those are possibilities. None of them have been proven. But as an intelligence officer, those are the things that you think about.”

McCabe belongs in prison. He ran a spying operation against Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign. Then he was instrumental in setting up the Mueller investigation, which, interestingly, found no evidence that Trump was a Russian agent.

It was literally the stupidest thing ever. Why would he be a Russian agent? What does that even mean? What would be his goal? Covering up that he got pissed on by hookers? Why would he even care about that? He already got called out for having sex with the most disgusting porn star. If he got pissed on in Russia, the bitches were probably at least hot.

Sex stuff is embarrassing I guess, but he doesn’t really seem to care very much. I think the accusations alleged the erotic urination event took place when he wasn’t married anyway.

Who cares?

McCabe lied under oath repeatedly, he did all sorts of other things. He did all of these crimes, and instead of being punished, he was rewarded with cushy media contracts. He works at CNN and has a podcast he gets mad money for even though no one listens to it or even knows it exists.