UMASS Declares “Dicks Out for Harambe” a Threatening Microaggression Against the Blacks

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 6, 2016


This story sure does make me happy.


Students at the University of Massachusetts beware: making jokes about the death of Harambe the gorilla could be viewed as a “microaggression” and an attack on the campus African-American community.

In an email sent to residents of Sycamore Hall and posted to social media, two of the resident assistants warned about the obsessive Harambe jokes being written on whiteboards. “I understand that social media has been popularizing Harambe in some crude way, which may appear as funny to groups of people. However, these comments are not only derogatory, but also microaggressions to some UMass students,” fret the RAs.

UMass offers “defined residential communities” (DRP), where students of the same race can all live together. “We offer a DRP focusing on African-American heritage, and it’s called the ‘Harambe’ floor,” the letter notes.


Of particular concern to the authors appear(s) – who I assume by the language used in the letter are themselves Black – to be the phrase “dicks out for Harambe.”

They write:

The be very clear: using popularizes phrases/hashtags which encourage the exposition of body parts runs the risk of being reported as a Title IX incident. These are sexual assault incidences that not only get reported to Community Standards, but also to the Dean of Students. Needless to say, it is a very serious incident–especially for a first year student!

Here’s the full letter.


“Dicks out for Harambe” is a normie Twitter meme which originally didn’t have any meaning.

There was just the fat kid (top pic) and this:

However, through meme magic, the meme created its own meaning when the gorilla star of Ghostbusters, Leslie Jones, got hacked and had her nude selfies leaked.

leslie jones dicks out for harambe

Never forget that meme magick is serious business, and if it is misused by a fat kid or a Mexican bit actor, it can lead to devastating consequences, such as the whole world seeing the above picture.

The Real Lesson Here

Besides the thing about meme magick being dangerous in the wrong hands, the important lesson to be learned here is that Black people actually identify with gorillas.

I don’t know why they think it is a good idea to do that, but it is definitely something which they do. I assume it is on a subconscious, emotional level, they recognize gorillas as their kin.

But in actual fact, White people are closer to gorillas than we are to Black people, given that gorillas are actually much more caring, civilized and intelligent than the Blacks.


But despite this apparent kinship, Blacks are extremely cruel to their gorilla cousins.


EDITOR’S NOTE: I just want to note here that I searched for that Harambe Jones nude pic on Google Images and it’s been scrubbed. I found it on Yahoo Image search (yes, I had to look at the original and add the nip-cover – yes, I had to drink no less than 9 shots of vodka to work-up the courage, and yes, this was just about 10 minutes ago and I am quite drunk, and yes, I write very well when drunk thanks for noticing, comrade).

And no, they don’t just automatically remove hacked nudes from Google Images – I just confirmed that by typing “Jennifer Lawrence nude” – she was a very high-profile victim of a similar hack and pic dump which she whined very loudly about in the media. Her lawyers did indeed send threats to the company and threatened to sue, but they said it was impossible to remove them, which is a complete lie (Google is 100% capable of identifying specific images and removing them from image searches – removing all the links that contain the image from the normal search would be conceivably impossible, but that’s a totally different thing).

Google isn’t the only one protecting Harambe Jones. Milo the Jewish homosexual was banned from Twitter for making fun of her. Charles Johnson was also Twitter-banned for some comment that hurt Deray McKesson’s feelings (Deray claimed he thought Chuck was planning to assassinate him), and I myself was banned for a KKK campus hoax targeting Blacks (after spending nearly a year mocking Jew journalists).

It is clear that these mega internet corporations care more about Blacks whining they they do about whining Jews. This implies that they view Blacks as either more oppressed or more important than Jews, and may imply that the Holocaust is losing momentum, even at those levels. I don’t know if that fact is especially important by itself, but it is a somewhat interesting fact which may be of use in the future for any number of possible reasons, so I wanted to note it so that people log it in their brains.