Hamish Patton
Daily Stormer
May 1, 2015

The UN has once again stuck its bulbous Jew nose into the affairs of other countries, this time condemning Australia for denying 54-year-old Iranian cleric and possible hate preacher Mansour Leghaei a permanent visa.
Already having been allowed to reside here for a staggering 16 of his grubby Muslim years, the authorities finally wizened up to this yurt-dwelling throwback to the days of Saladin. They sent him packing on “compelling reasons of national security”, which even a retarded Brazilian could tell you means the silly-hatted, fuzzy-faced, smock-wearing goat licker is a threat to national security.
Sadly, his genetic offspring, consisting of two 26-year-old potential rapist sons and a 20-year-old daughter who has already passed her child-bride use-by date were allowed to stay.
But the interfering Jew-N panel of pervert protectors saw things differently. According to them and their circumcised panel of ‘experts’ Australia’s sovereign right to decide who stays here “constituted arbitrary interference with his family.”
They figure they have some weight to throw around, and these hilariously described ‘experts’ have gone and told Australian officials that they are required to provide this sheep’s eye quaffing religious freak “a meaningful opportunity” to challenge the government on its grounds for telling him to piss off back where he came from.
There was a lot more babble from these Geneva based busybodies on the subject, who routinely rule in favor of “the rights” of allowing child molesters, murders, thieves and illegal immigrants to stay in countries they have no right to be to begin with.
It argued that the family were placed in a position where they either had to stay behind and bid bye-bye to their Islamic fundamentalist daddy as he’s flung back to his natural homeland, or to stick around without him and foul up Australia with their own continued and unwanted presence, while hatching plots against the nation.
The UN then passed a “ruling”, which it reckons carries some sort of authority to compel Australia to inform its criminal-serving committee of child-rapist defenders what steps the country intends taking in regards to supplicating itself before the almighty UN and obliging its sanctimonious wishes.
One can probably save the UN committee the bother of waiting to find out and suggest it involves Australian authorities sternly giving them the middle finger, which Australia has a habit of doing when the UN tries to dig its unwanted snout up its butt.