UN Complains About Albino Segregation (Despite Being the Cause of It in the First Place)

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
August 27, 2014

Albino Negroes are not White.

Racial differences go a lot deeper than just a different color of skin, as anyone who has ever seen an albino Negro is well aware.

Unlike looking like a White man, these creatures look really repulsive. The Blacks themselves hate them, thinking that they are cursed.

Because of this, they like to cut parts of them off, to use in their witchcraft. Even their own families may do this to them, so the UN started interfering and the Tanzanian government removed the albinos from their families for their own safety.

But now the UN has got all uppity again and is saying that this breaches the albino’s human right to a family.

Fox News

The Tanzanian government’s system of rounding up children with albinism in state-run education centers isn’t adequately protecting them from widespread superstitious beliefs that human albino body parts will bring wealth and success or cure disease, the U.N. human rights office said Monday.

They really do highlight how ugly Negro physiognomy is.

People with the genetic condition, characterized by a lack of pigment, are often referred to in Tanzania as ghosts, or zero zero, which in Swahili signifies someone who is less than human. Witch doctors often lead brutal attacks to use albino body parts in potions they claim bring riches.

The government started placing children and adults with the snow white skin, blond hair, and blue eyes into education centers after a wave of attacks started six to eight years ago and caught the attention of Western journalists.

The United Nations is now examining whether some of the 23 known education centers in Tanzania are engaging in segregation by forcibly removing from their homes hundreds of children with albinism who are at risk of being killed, mutilated or sexually abused, said human rights officer Alicia Londono.

Make your mind up UN, doesn’t the Witchdoctor also have a right to use culturally appropriate customs and traditions?

How does that fit with your ‘Universal Human Rights Act’?