UN Demands “Massive” Amounts of Money to Prevent Pacific Countries from Sinking Into the Ocean

The whole “woke” thing is in shambles in current year. The fact that it was mocked by Disney in Deadpool 3 shows that it’s pretty well over.

But although the people gluing their faces to streets in order to change the weather probably classify as “woke,” the global warming agenda is bigger than the woke movement.

The demands that the surface of the earth be transformed into a solid sheet of ice continue.

The Guardian:

Pacific island nations are in “grave danger” from rising sea levels and the world must “answer the SOS before it is too late”, the UN chief has warned during a visit to Tonga.

The UN secretary general, António Guterres, urged the world to “look to the Pacific and listen to the science” as he released two new reports on the sidelines of the Pacific Islands Forum, the region’s most important annual political gathering.

This isn’t real. In 2004, Al Gore was claiming New York would be under water by 2013. Now they say that parts of Tonga will be under water in 75 years.

It’s a pretty big shift in the narrative, no? New York under water in 2013 to the coast of Tonga under water in 2100?

Anyway, Tonga is not under water. They make it sound like the cities are flooded or something. This is not what is happening. They are just claiming “it’s going to happen…!”

This whole thing is goofy.

Sea-surface temperatures in the south-west Pacific have risen three times faster than the global average since 1980, according to a regional report compiled by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and released on Tuesday.

It also found that marine heatwaves in the region had roughly doubled in frequency since 1980 and become more intense and longer-lasting.

The report said 34 mostly storm or flood-related “hydrometeorological hazard events” in the south-west Pacific last year led to more than 200 deaths and affected more than 25 million people.

To be clear, more than 7,000 people die every hour on the earth. That’s 170,000 per day.

Meanwhile, 40,000-50,000 people die each year from natural disasters.

Two-hundred deaths a year is not statistically relevant to anything at all. I’m sure a lot more people than that in the Pacific died in storms.

It’s a goofy, meaningless, fake statistic.

In a second report published on Tuesday, the UN’s climate action team warned that the climate crisis and sea-level rise were “no longer distant threats”, especially for the Pacific’s small island developing states.

Seeking to build momentum for action before the Cop29 climate summit in Azerbaijan in November, Guterres called on global leaders to drastically slash global emissions and pursue a “fast and fair” phase-out of fossil fuels.

He called for a “massive” increase in finance and support for vulnerable countries, arguing: “We need a surge in funds to deal with surging seas.”

Humans cannot “phase out” “fossil fuels.” Billions of people would die as a result of that, and humans would have to return to some kind of primitive state. Windmills do not work. All of this stuff is nonsense. It’s a massive money sink.

If the main issue is Tonga’s sea level rising in the next 75 years, then build a sea wall for Tonga. You can build a sea wall. Ask the Dutch to help you.

Seriously: the current map of the Netherlands is much more severe than the year 2100 prediction map of Tonga.

This is a gigantic scam.

Countries and US states are rolling back this child tranny thing. You can say “fag” and “retard” again in polite company.

We’re still dealing with this stupid global warming hoax, but you wonder how long it can last.

We need to cancel those retarded faggot windmills. The whole “CO2 is a pollutant” narrative must be abolished and we need to focus on removing plastics, which is easy to do by burning them. The reason we dump plastics in the water supply instead of burning them is this global warming hoax which says you can’t burn plastics because it creates CO2.

The world is changing and the US is no longer going to be leading it. In a future world controlled by the Chinese, this global warming thing needs to be denied and we need to focus on reality-based solutions to real world problems.