UN Once Again Asks Jews to Stop Slaughtering Precious Brown People

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 2, 2017

A couple times a year, the UN tells the Jews to stop slaughtering their ethnic minorities.

The Jews then accuse them of being “anti-Semitic.”

It’s a dumb dance.

Again, this absurdist type “reality,” where everything is just goofy and dumb.


Israel is a “key driver” of Palestinian humanitarian suffering, according to a UN report which cited the country’s occupation of the West Bank and the blockade of Gaza.

The “Fragmented Lives” report, published by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) on Wednesday, said that Israel’s occupation “denies Palestinians control over basic aspects of daily life, whether they live in the Gaza Strip or in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.”

It goes on to state that their “ability to move unimpeded within their own country, to exit and return, to develop large parts of their territory, build on their own land, access natural resources or develop their economy is largely determined by the Israeli military.”

Referring to the “prolonged occupation,” now in its 50th year, the report said such an occupation “cultivates a sense of hopelessness and frustration that drives continued conflict and impacts both Palestinians and Israelis.”

“Israel’s occupation is a key driver of humanitarian need,” it states.

The report also says that the number of Palestinians forcibly displaced from their homes reached a record high last year, affecting 1,601 people, including 759 children.

It says that 2016 saw the most demolitions in the West Bank since the UN office began documenting the practice in 2009, with 1,094 structures demolished. Three hundred of those were donor-funded structures provided as humanitarian assistance to “vulnerable Palestinians.”

The OCHA also said it documented 572 “restrictions on Palestinian movement” in 2016, as well as an additional 110 obstacles placed on Arab residents in the city of Hebron.

Summing up the situation, David Carden, the OCHA chief for the occupied Palestinian territories, said that “at its heart, the crisis in the [occupied territories] is one of a lack of protection for Palestinian civilians,” the Times of Israel reported.

He went on to state that vulnerable Palestinians, particularly children, bear a disproportionate amount of the impact.

The UN report did have some positive news, stating that Palestinian fatalities from conflict-related violence in the West Bank and Israel declined significantly in 2016. A total of 107 such deaths were recorded last year, compared to 169 in 2015.

Note that RT is the only major English outlet even reporting on this report.

The Jews haven’t responded directly to the report yet, but they got a little help from within the UN.

Just after the report was released, the new head of the UN, who took over after the gook at the beginning of the year, told the world that saying Israel shouldn’t exist is “anti-Semitism.”

Of course, even the extreme anti-Israel leftists don’t say Israel shouldn’t exist, they just say they should go back to 1967 borders. But the Jews insist on conflating “right to exist” with “right to expand and genocide the Palestinians.”

Jerusalem Post:

“Denial of Israel’s right to exist is antisemitism,” declared United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres at a meeting with senior officials of the Simon Weisenthal Center (SWC).

The meeting took place at the UN headquarters in New York, according to an SWC press release sent out on Tuesday. The topics discussed with Guterres included countering growing antisemitism in Europe, blocks hampering the Middle East peace process, and ending the demonization of Israel by certain UN agencies.

Rabbi Marvin Hier, dean and founder of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, told Guterres that Hamas and their continuing terrorist activities are the major roadblocks to peace rather than settlements. Guterres is against Israeli settlement-building in the West Bank.

Guterres said that he is strongly committed “to not allowing the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) to be instrumentalized” in the future by Hamas, acknowledging the group’s use of the UN presence in Gaza during Operation Protective Edge.

Criticizing campaigns to delegitimize the historic connections between the land of Israel and the Jewish people like UNESCO’s decision in May which disavowed Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, Guterres said that “history must be respected. Jerusalem is a holy city for three religions.”

Guterres is seen as friendly toward Israel. He visited Israel in 1993 as secretary-general of the Portuguese Socialist Party and leader of Portugal’s opposition.

See there.

“Right to exist… sovereignty in Jerusalem…”

They do this non-stop. Conflating “existence” with “expansion.”

Probably, with Guterres in charge, these reports on human rights abuses in the “Palestinian territories” are going to cease.

Honestly, I don’t really care about the Palestinians, or Israel’s borders. Why this matters to me is that these Jews are claiming that they have a right no one else has – the right to an ethnically pure racial state. Which also expands.

It would be like the US claiming that we have a right to deport all non-Whites – plus invade Mexico and steal huge portions of their territory.

And then whenever anyone questioned it, we said “oh but we have a right to do this because of what the Ottomans did to us way back when.”

Honestly, the whole concept of needing a “moral” right to conquest is nonsense in the first place.

Conquering, raping and slaughtering foreign peoples is an amoral activity. It is something related to survival. It is no different than killing and eating animals.

Arguably, due to the modern level of technological development, this type of conquest is no longer necessary, and we should all just be nice to each other. And there may be some truth in that. But it only makes sense if everyone in the world is allowed to keep their sovereignty. And right now, Whites are being told they’re not allowed to do that.

So it’s my assertion that we need to return to an amoral mindset when dealing with foreign peoples, as a mechanism of self preservation.

I think we need killer robots and we need gene-specific viruses designed to wipe out entire populations.

That’s not a joke.

I believe our backs are so far against the wall right now, that we simply do not have any choice.