Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 3, 2015

Isn’t it fantastic that in this futuristic 21st century, the nations are finally so united that they can get together and vote about who committed a genocide against who?
The United Nations’ highest court ruled on Tuesday that neither Croatia nor Serbia had committed genocide against each other’s populations during the wars that accompanied the violent breakup of Yugoslavia in the 1990s.
Both sides said they hoped the ruling would mark a watershed in relations, long since improved but still sometimes frosty.
Peter Tomka, president of the International Court of Justice, said the forces of both countries had committed crimes during the conflict, but that the intent to commit genocide — by “destroying a population in whole or in part” — had not been proven against either country.
“This marks the end of one page on the past, and I’m convinced we will start a new page on the future, much brighter and better,” Serbian Justice Minister Nikola Selakovic told reporters in the Hague.
Croatian Foreign Minister Vesna Pusic said she hoped the ruling would contribute to “closing this historic chapter and moving on to a better and safer period for people in this part of Europe.”
Croatia, which joined the European Union in 2013, filed its case against Belgrade in 1999 and Serbia – a candidate for EU membership – its counter-case against Zagreb only in 2010.
“Croatia has not established that the only reasonable inference was the intent to destroy in whole or in part the (Croatian) group,” Tomka said of Serbia’s campaign to destroy towns and expel civilians in Slavonia and Dalmatia.
Rejecting Serbia’s counterclaim, he said Croatia had not committed genocide when it sought to drive ethnic Serb rebels from the province of Krajina, and put hundreds of thousands of civilians to flight.
“Acts of ethnic cleansing may be part of a genocidal plan, but only if there is an intention to physically destroy the target group,” Tomka said.
The panel of judges rejected Croatia’s claim by fifteen votes to two. Serbia’s counterclaim was rejected unanimously, implying that even Serbia’s delegated judge had ruled against.
So, is Slobodan Milošević family going to receive some type of reparations, since they held the guy in prison until he died on charges of committing a genocide they have now voted did not actually happen?

Seems like they should at least send them a basket of fruit or something.
Also, if there was no genocide, doesn’t this mean that the entire NATO campaign against Serbia was a gigantic hoax designed specifically to weaken a nationalist state by assisting a known terrorist organization in an ethnic cleansing?
Also – serious question here, UN genocide voters – does this ruling mean Albanians have to give back Kosovo? Does that not follow logically?