UN Tells Occupying “Peacekeeper” Forces to be More Aggressive

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 24, 2018

The UN missions in the third world are a direct extension of colonialism. They just don’t work nearly as well.


A UN panel has recommended peacekeeping troops be allowed use force in an effort to address concerns about increasing fatalities, however the report fails to address concerns leveled against the troops themselves.

Close to 200 UN peacekeeping personnel have been killed in acts of violence, largely in Africa, in the last five years, 90 percent of whom served in their nation’s military. During this time, the UN’s mission has also been accused of sexual violence, prisoner deaths and cover-ups.

The report, “Improving Security of United Nations Peacekeepers: We need to change the way we are doing business,” was commissioned by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres.

There are currently 15 peacekeeping operations around the world, in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Europe. The missions are intended to protect civilians, strengthen the rule of law, empower women and promote human rights. However, it’s claimed the peacekeepers often fall short.

I am personally staunchly pro-colonialism.

I believe that the entire world should be administrated by the white race, to some extent or another.

It is now beyond painfully obvious that these apes are incapable of managing their own countries, which is why these UN missions are necessary in the first place. If whites pulled out of Africa, you’d have full-cannibalism in a matter of hours.

Right now, we are feeding these “people” like they are infants. But we are not putting any sort of serious restraint on them. If a people cannot even feed themselves, they do not deserve to make their own life decisions.

We must go in and begin running Africa in such a way as it is beneficial to the rest of the world. We need to do mass sterilizations, for one, and implement some protections on wildlife for another.