Unhinged Ape President Calls Trump “Unfit,” Orders Republicans to Attack Him

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 2, 2016

After Obama gave that speech at the memorial for the slain Dallas police officers justifying their deaths, I didn’t think I would ever be shocked by the ape’s nerve again.

But, here we are.

Who is this ape?

Why is he in my country?


Where did he come from?

Washington Post:

President Obama on Tuesday escalated his criticism of Donald Trump, calling him “unfit to serve as president,” as the Republican presidential nominee faced censure from members of both parties for disparaging the parents of a fallen army captain.

“The notion that he would attack a Gold Star family that made such extraordinary sacrifices on behalf of our country, the fact that he doesn’t appear to have basic knowledge around critical issues in Europe, in the Middle East, in Asia, means that he is woefully unprepared to do this job,” Obama said at the White House, during a news conference with the prime minister of Singapore.

Obama also challenged Republican leaders to stand up to Trump, saying their condemnations “ring hollow” as long as they still pledge to vote for him.

“There has to come a point at which you say enough,” the president said.

The rebukes to Trump this week have been bipartisan and among the most sustained of the election cycle.

They have mainly been a response to Trump’s denigration of Khizr and Ghazala Khan, immigrants from Pakistan who appeared last week at the Democratic National Convention to denounce Trump for his harsh rhetoric about Muslims, saying their son, who was killed in Iraq, would have been barred from entering the country under Trump’s proposed ban.

This Khan scandal is the most contrived load of horseshit I’ve ever seen in my entire life.

It is pure collusion between the Jew media and the Jew Democrat party.

This entire thing was planned from the moment they invited this Paki terrorist to speak at the convention:

  • Paki comes and waves around his dead son as a political weapon, viciously attacks and personally insults Trump
  • Media talks about how fantastic and moving the speech was, even though the overwhelming majority of people could not identify with these curry-monkeys
  • Paki does rounds on talk shows
  • Trump is asked about the Paki, makes some statement (the statement he made was much less extreme than what they’d hoped for – all he did was say the guy was “emotional” – but they went ahead with the rest of the plan anyway)
  • Entire media fakes outrage
  • Republican cuckolds come out and talk about “oh my he insulted a dead soldier”
  • Khan makes the rounds on the shows again
  • The media keeps it as a top story non-stop for multiple news cycles (we don’t even know when they’re planning to stop)

Each phase of this plan was laid out, and they are following through with it. It’s a complex, staged media spectacle, designed to attack the character of Donald Trump.

It’s the most clever thing they’ve done yet, but it still comes across as ridiculous and ineffective. At this point – partly due to the fact that Trump was so mild in his response and party due to the fact that they’re leaving it in the media for so long – I think even the normies are starting to feel like this is a massively contrived load of complete nonsense.

These latest statements by Obama will surely kill it. Even the most bold Jew editor won’t have the nerve to keep this as a top story after this.

The shark has been jumped for whining ol’ Khizr Khan and his dead terrorist son.