Unhinged Deep State CIA Nigger Tries to Lynch Based Black Guy on CNN

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
August 19, 2018


Look at how quickly it becomes a-ok to start yelling at niggers when they’re pointing out how full of shit you are.

This video is worth a watch. Really.

Is everyone in the CIA and the Deep State this unhinged? How are these maniacs allowed to spy on us and serve Israel when they’re so barely holding the crazy in?


I think that we all know that there is only one solution to the CIA Nigger problem at this point.

Think about it, just because Trump kicked out some gay CIA faggot who was undermining him and calling him a traitor, all of a sudden they think that they can talk about overthrowing him.

Like… what?

That’s some serious chutzpah on their part.

Fuck these glow in the dark niggers.

Someone needs to stop them!

And let me tell you, I think that this big brain nigga seems to have been chosen as the soft-spoken champion of the anti-CIAnigger movement.

Everyone knows you need to have a based nigga on your side to take down a CIAnigger. Woke niggas are like kryptonite to the Deep Soy State.

They’re like archetypical opposites.

Keep being based, MAGA black man – you’re going places.