Unholy Alliance: Jew Porno Star Ron Jeremy and Hipster Christian Pastor Craig Gross

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 7, 2013

This is what it has come to, America: spirituality has been reduced to the question "to jack off or not to jack off," and this question is addressed through debate between a feminized capitalist creep and a sickening porno Jew.
This is what it has come to, America: spirituality has been reduced to the question “to jack off or not to jack off,” and this question is addressed through debate between a feminized capitalist creep and a sickening porno Jew.

This is about as gross as it gets.  The sickening Jew porno star, Ron Jeremy, was recently in the hospital after an aneurysm was discovered near his heart, and seeking divine intervention, he called Craig Gross, a Christian pastor who runs a anti-porno scam cult; the two regularly stage circus-like public debates on the merits of pornography and are “good friends.”

They are truly a match made in Hell.


Jeremy is about the most vile creature you can possibly imagine.  He holds the Guinness world record for appearing in the most porno films, but since he is now so fat and ugly, his Jewish features having evolved as he aged into the typical trollish state, that not even the most debased porno whores will agree to have sex with him for money, he and his Jew marketing experts have attempted to make him into a kind of cultural icon.  He now does public speaking and appears on reality TV shows.

Craig appears to be a gross homosexual.
Craig Gross: if he was any cooler, he’d stop global warming.  I do not like the cut of his jib.  At all.

Gross is not much better.  He is an emaciated and emasculated metrosexual former makeup artist who poses for pictures like he is in an advertisement for luxury European cologne or gay-tight jeans and is probably a closet homosexual.  His church – “XXX Church,” it is called – specializes specifically in porno addiction, and rakes in the cash by allegedly helping people kick the habit of compulsive jacking-off and become addicted to the ecstatic cult happiness of new Christianity – for a price.  Like basically every other pop religious figure in America in the last 60 years, he is rich and spends his money in a decadent fashion.

This is a picture of Ron Jeremy and Craig Gross reading each others books, in the same room, with their shirts off.  This is not a candid photo, but a professionally staged promo pic.  What exactly is it supposed to mean, I wonder?
This is a picture of Ron Jeremy and Craig Gross reading each others books, in the same room, with their shirts off. This is not a candid photo, but a professionally staged promo pic. What exactly is it supposed to mean, I wonder?  Two men on a couch together with their shirts off reading books about sex?

Revelation of the Hole in Our Collective Soul

Within the relationship of these two, we can see the degree to which our society has degraded, in full view.  Christianity is now just as much of a joke as the Jews make it out to be, obsessed with materialism and fitting into a degraded, subhuman culture of Jew-devised coolness, incapable of doing aught for the people beyond anesthetizing surface problems through ecstatic emotionality devoid of spiritual content and superficial self-help techniques borrowed from 1990s new age gurus.  They are so far gone that they can exist alongside the Jewish porno culture quite comfortably, and even benefit from it.

Gross would no doubt cite the fact that Jesus spent time with whores and drunks, trying to help them, as an excuse for his publicity-stunt marketing-synergy relationship with Jeremy, but this would be a purposeful distortion of the biblical text.  The whores and drunks who Jesus spent time with were victims of the Jewish-run society of the time.  Jeremy is a perpetrator of crimes against women and the whole of society – he is a Pharisee.  And Jesus did not befriend the Pharisees, nor did he negotiate with them.

Along with instruction books on how not to masturbate, Gross sells Jesus pencil toppers on his website.
Along with instruction books on how not to masturbate, Gross sells Jesus pencil toppers on his website.

A New Order

We are very, very far gone as a society.  There is really very little left to save.  Nothing of the present state of Christianity has value, and the larger culture itself is entirely Jewish.  It all must be burned, and in this fire we must forge something entirely new and pure.