United Cuckdom: Man Arrested for Telling Haji Hag to Explain Brussels

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 25, 2016


I have continually asserted that Islam is a racial ideology, given that it is followed almost entirely of generic brown people, most of who are mixed-race. Yes, there are a few Whites who follow it, but the overwhelming majority of adherents are some combination of Semitic, Asian, Negro and White.

However, the Jewish media and the government (and even some White Nationalists) argue that it is a “religion not a race.” But just as with “Judaism,” it becomes a race whenever it is convenient.


A British man who tweeted about confronting a Muslim woman about the Brussels attacks — and was then roundly mocked by Twitter users — was arrested on suspicion of inciting racial hatred on Wednesday night.

Matthew Doyle, reportedly a partner in a London-based talent and PR agency, posted a tweet on Wednesday morning saying: “I confronted a Muslim woman yesterday in Croydon. I asked her to explain Brussels. She said ‘nothing to do with me.’ A mealy mouthed reply.”

Referring to the triple bombings at Brussels airport and a metro station on Tuesday that killed at least 31 people, perhaps Doyle expected his comments would be welcomed.

They weren’t. Various tweets criticized Doyle for ignorance and bigotry, then the classic British backlash began — a mass piss-take.

He was not a “far right merchant,” he claimed, and if he was xenophobic he “wouldn’t live in London.” But subsequent tweets incorporating offensive, racist, language and warning about the “horror of Islam” suggested otherwise.

A Metropolitan Police spokesperson said: “A 46-year-old man was this evening arrested at his home in Croydon on suspicion of inciting racial hatred on social media. He has been taken to a south London police station and enquiries continue.”

Here are a few of the “piss-taking” Tweets. One of them is actually pretty funny – can you find which one?

Obviously, there’s a lot more that can be said about this story, not the least of which is the insane nature of the Orwellian British thought-control system. But what struck me most is the claim that Islam is a race, which really gives the game away.

Let’s look at people from a few of the various Moslem-majority nations:4

Saudi Arabia












Indonesia – technically pure Asian racially, but of a much lower evolutionary form than East Asians, appearing very similar to the above groups:


Islam is undoubtedly a racial ideology, and one can even argue that its main function sociologically is to attack White men. That has certainly been its primary purpose throughout history, and we very often see in the present that Moslems who are raping and murdering Whites refer to their enemies as “White” rather than “infidel” or some other religious term.

We can see very clearly that while many White nations were invaded and conquered by Islam, it is only brown nations (excluding Bosnia, an exception that proves the rule) that the population willingly converted. The Balkans and Spain were both occupied for hundreds of years, and yet they retained their Christian identity.

Let’s dispel with this fiction that Moslems don’t know what they’re doing. Moslems know exactly what they’re doing. Islam is a system which holds together various different brown people in a racial holy war against the European race.