United Wokedom: In Ten Years, Child Tranny Numbers Increased More Than 50X

The woke mind virus turned trannyism into a children’s fashion because woke homosexuals want to rape kids freely by normalizing woke child homosexuals.

There are only TWO genders! Count them – TWO!

The British are now living in Donald Trump’s America and they need to stop molesting children like a bunch of woke triggered snowflakes.

We need to cleanse the woke mind virus from the homosexuals so they stop raping children.

The Guardian:

The number of children and young people in England with a diagnosis of gender dysphoria recorded by a GP has risen fiftyfold over 10 years, researchers have found, though numbers are still relatively small.

The growing number of birth-registered females seeking referrals to gender clinics has raised concerns in recent years, with tensions over how best to tackle gender dysphoria in children resulting in the Cass review last year.

However, much of the previous work was based on referrals to specialist services rather than capturing the situation in primary care – the first port of call for many seeking help.

Now a study by a team that carried out research informing the Cass review has looked at GP records to shed light on trends in the community.

“What we have is the number of children who’ve ever had a diagnosis of something related to gender dysphoria,” said Prof Tim Doran, co-author of the work from the University of York.

Writing in the journal Archives of Disease in Childhood, Doran and colleagues describe how they examined data relating to children and young people aged 18 and under attending GP practices in England between 2011 and 2021, encompassing 3,782 individuals with gender dysphoria or similar diagnoses.

The results, based on data from about 20% of GP practices, show both the rates of incidence – the number of new cases each year – and the prevalence of such diagnoses rose over the decade.

Let’s just hope the doctors kept all the titties they cut off of these teenage girls and can sew them back on now that Donald Trump cured the woke mind virus.

The prevalence increased from about one in 60,000 in 2011 (equating to 192 children and young people nationally) to about one in 1,200 in 2021 (equating to 10,291 nationally) – more than a fiftyfold increase.

The team said that from 2015, prevalence rose more quickly among children recorded as female on their health records, ending up about twice as high as for recorded males by 2021.

Doran said among 17- and 18-year-olds, the prevalence of gender dysphoria was about one in 238 in 2021.

The study showed that over the entire 10-year period, under 5% of children and young people with gender dysphoria also had a record of a prescription for puberty suppressing hormones while 8% had a record of a prescription for masculinising or feminising hormones.

Is anyone going to go to prison for this?

Apparently, no.

Donald Trump should sign an executive order sending these British doctors to prison for doing all of this woke child homosexual abuse.

We don’t need this in our schools.