University Bans American Flag as Symbol of Hatred

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 22, 2016

The American flag is a symbol of pure hatred for the color of the skin.

It’s pure evil.


A Massachusetts college has decided to remove an American flag amid struggles to stop “hate-based violence” that escalated since President-elect Donald Trump’s victory. The flag was initially flown at half-staff, but that only triggered more disputes.

From now on, Hampshire College will not be flying American or any other flags, following the school president Jonathan Lash’s decision.

After the November 8 election, the college has been lowering its American flag to half-staff to “acknowledge the grief and pain experienced by so many” as well as “to enable the full complexity of voices and experiences to be heard.” After Trump’s victory, some on campus have been calling the flag a symbol of racism and hatred.

“Some months ago, the Hampshire College Board of Trustees adopted a policy of periodically flying the flag at half-staff to mourn deaths from violence around the world. Earlier this week, in the current environment of escalating hate-based violence, we made the decision to fly Hampshire’s US flag at half-staff for a time while the community delved deeper into the meaning of the flag and its presence on our campus,” Lash said in an email to students.

However, it did not help the school officials to find a balance, instead sparking even harsher divides.

The half-staff flag that appeared offensive to veterans and students from military families was burned down on Veterans’ Day, November 11.

Finally, the coloreds will be free from imperialism.
