Daily Stormer
April 25, 2014

Robert McAndrews, a professor at Salem State University in Massachusetts, is calling on the Obama administration to open up the floodgates to millions of refugees from his war in Syria.
In a letter published in the Boston Globe, he makes it clear that he supports Obama’s war, but thinks we need to bring part of the war home to America.
From the Boston Globe:
The United Nations reports that there are more than 1 million Syrian refugees in Lebanon and more than 600,000 in Jordan (“One million Syrian refugees flooding Lebanon,” April 4). The Assad regime has terrorized its citizens, killing more than 100,000 people and displacing 6.5 million of its citizens. The United States has generously provided nearly $2 billion in aid for humanitarian assistance for the refugees and displaced families. However, according to Human Rights First, the US government has provided only 121 refugee visas for Syrians to enter the United States. This is unconscionable. The message is: We will donate money to relief agencies, but we will not open our border to provide a safe haven for the refugees.
In addition, Citizenship and Immigration Services, the US agency responsible for the administration of granting temporary protected status for Syrians who are already here on a temporary visa, essentially closed the registration for initial filings in December. Does this make any sense?
The other option for Syrians in the United States is to apply for asylum, and thousands living here have done so. This can be a yearslong and legally arduous option, leaving asylum seekers in limbo and often without work authorization.
Syrian refugees need our help now, and the Obama administration must wake up to the moral urgency of this crisis.
Even if you really care a lot about the Muslim hordes, wouldn’t it make more sense to lobby Obama to stop funding a terrorist war in Syria so that people could remain safe in their own country?