Daily Stormer
March 14, 2015

This is another example showing how even though free speech technically exists in America, if you exercise free speech in such away that goes against political correctness and the overall Jewish agenda, then you could lose your job.
A talk show host on Univision has been fired after saying that Michelle Obama looked like a “Planet of the Apes” cast member. This is a true observation, but since you are not allowed to make fun of Black people in America he was fired.
Talk show host Rodner Figueroa was fired from Univision after saying that Michelle Obama looks like someone from the cast of “Planet of the Apes.”
Figueroa, who’s known for his biting fashion commentary, made his remarks during a live segment of the show “El Gordo y la Flaca” in which the hosts were commenting on a viral video that shows a makeup artist transforming himself into different celebrities, including Michelle Obama.
“Well, watch out, you know that Michelle Obama looks like she’s from the cast of ‘Planet of the Apes,’ the movie,” Figueroa, 42, said with a giggle.
When hostess Lili Estefan countered with “What are you saying?” and host Raul de Molina said Obama was very attractive, Figueroa defended his remark, saying “but it is true.”
This is especially hardcore, as Figueroa is a gay Mexican, making him a double victim. But as Michelle is a Black woman, she is also a double victim, so he had no edge. I guess.

Note that this is being framed as “racial abuse,” when all he is technically doing is making fun of her appearance, saying nothing explicitly racial. The fact that it is being framed that way is an admission that Black people look like apes, but it is merely against the rules to point it out.
Figueroa wrote an open apology immediately after having been fired, saying “I want to clarify that I’m not racist and in no way was my comment directed at you, but rather the work of the [make up] artist, which left much to be desired.”