Unruly Teen Suckerpunches Random White Woman on Street

Unruly teens sho’ seem to love their knockout game.

The streets used to be a lot safer without these unruly teens, that’s for sure.

New York Post:

She never saw it coming.

Rasa Barzdukas was grabbing a snack between her classes at the Pratt Institute around 2:45 p.m. when she saw “a very scary, monstery face” coming toward her.

“I was leaving the bodega, and I just got hit. Right in the face. Never seen the guy before, didn’t really look at him. It was just out of nowhere,” she said.

The 19-year-old got up and started walking to school but was more dazed than she initially realized, she said.

The attack is reminiscent of the so-called “knockout game” in which unruly teens tried to slug strangers unconscious with a single punch, while others taped the incidents. In 2013, a Hoboken homeless man was killed by three teens playing the sick sport.

The Los Angeles native was bruised in the attack, cops said, but she’s taking it like a hardened Brooklynite.

“I told my mom, I had my New York moment,” she said.

Police are still searching for Barzdukas’ attacker. Cops say he has dreadlocks and is approximately 20 years old. He was wearing a Gap hooded sweatshirt at the time of the attack.

Rasa Barzdukas.