Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
March 18, 2019
We are dealing with a total ZFG Aussie superman here.
Australians are facing dangerous African gangs and Muslim terrorists more and more frequently. We need castle doctrine and the right to bear arms so law abiding citizens can defend themselves against these murderous criminals.
— Senator Fraser Anning (@fraser_anning) March 10, 2019
Scientists need to copy and study his DNA code, STAT.
Guns are already in the hands of the Government and criminals so it is time to let law abiding citizens do the same. Remember, no Police can protect you within minutes from a home invasion, carjacking or an attempt on your life.
— Senator Fraser Anning (@fraser_anning) March 10, 2019
Once they’ve isolated his “raw nerve” gene, they need to make it into a vaccine to prevent Sentient Soy from spreading.
I can see what has happened in the UK where 429 Muslims are in political office and now hold massive influence over law making including introducing Sharia Law.
Islam is NOT compatible with Australia and our politics.
— Senator Fraser Anning (@fraser_anning) March 12, 2019
A mass inoculation campaign for all White people will be implemented IMMEDIATELY to help the wayward sons of Evropa to find their FUCKING BALLS again.
Does anyone still dispute the link between Muslim immigration and violence?
— Senator Fraser Anning (@fraser_anning) March 15, 2019
All those faggots denouncing and decrying and disavowing need to take a good long hard look at the results of a testosterone-level test administered by a licensed medical professional.
I wonder if there will be as much outrage from the left wing when the next Muslim terrorist attack occurs?
Most likely silence and talk about “lone wolf attacks, mental illness and no connection to Islam”.
— Senator Fraser Anning (@fraser_anning) March 15, 2019
Because this is the correct response to the events that occured at Christchurch.
Will any left wingers condemn this?
— Senator Fraser Anning (@fraser_anning) March 15, 2019
A checklist of talking points:
- Moslems are the REAL terrorists
- Part and Parcel, bucko
- Population change is to blame
- What did you expect would happen?
- Sad, but what about this other Moslem massacre that happened recently?
- The media is hypocritical in its coverage
That about covers it.
Since these events are going to become a much more common occurrence, it helps to get the talking points down now, in advance and to practice them.
Better to not say anything at all and just have a nice long smug chuckle (smuckle) with your friends as you see the shoe on the other foot.
Do’s and don’ts…
- Don’t Boomerpost on social media under your own name about how you support the shooter
- Do make funny memes anonymously
This is the standard MO going forward.