Previously: India Should Just be Fucking Nuked Into Oblivion. Seriously. Enough is Enough.
In recent days, I’ve thought a lot about complex schemes to trick nuclear states into annihilating every single person in India. However, none of the schemes I’ve drawn up appear to be viable in terms of the logistics of the implication. The US loves India nearly as much as it loves Israel, because the Indians are viciously and hatefully opposed to helpful and friendly Chinese people. So they’re not going to nuke it. Russia and China wouldn’t want to deal with the optics. And Pakistan simply doesn’t have enough nukes to get the job done (remember, we are going for a “zero Indian on earth” solution).
However, there is a viable path to Indian extermination. The Moslems are rapidly outbreeding the Indians in India. The Indian birthrate has dropped drastically since the coronavirus hoax, and it was already much lower than that of the Moslems.
The situation is completely unsustainable for the Indians, and they will at some point in the not too distant future simply cease to exist.
What we need to do is create organizations to increase the breeding of Moslems in India, as well as look into various ways to decrease the Indian birthrate, possibly including flooding them with pornography and feminist and homosexual propaganda.
Remember when Israel was running NGOs that were moving immigrants into Europe? We need to examine possible options for this. China still has a nagging problem with the Uyghurs. You know where would be a good place for them? India.
If Trump is really going to move all of the people out of Gaza, we need to figure out a way to make India their primary relocation destination. We need to flood Islamic countries with pamphlets informing them about the immediate need for large scale jihad in India.
Pakistan will help with this. Pakistan can be used as a staging area for the mass movement of Moslems from all over the world into India.
Obviously, I’m sure many of you don’t like Moslems either, but come on. How many spam calls do you get from Moslems? How much of your internet life is destroyed by Moslems? Did a Moslem ever scam your grandma? Moslems are a problem as immigrants, but when they’re in their own countries, they have no affect on anyone’s life. India has become a base for international digital terrorism, completely ruining the digital infrastructure of the entire world.
If India became an Islamic majority, they would eventually start getting rid of the Indian problem using various obvious methods.
Right now, we need to start putting together NGO groups and get funding from the United Nations. We just have to put out a bunch of virulent information about how India is a racist state oppressing the Moslems and the only solution is mass immigration from every Islamic country, as well as distributing porn and pressing forced homosexuality on Hindu children.
Moslems don’t go along with this sort of thing anyway, so there isn’t a threat we will reduce their birthrate. But Indians are already gay perverts to a large extent, so we just need to get the funding by promoting atrocity propaganda about the abuses of homosexuals in India.
Also, pressure campaigns for Indians to accept the Uyghurs, who the UN claims are being turned into lampshades and soap by the Chinese. We need to create moral outrage over the fact that India is not accepting the entire Uyghur population as refugees. They are already hosting that sickening cannibal the “Dalai Lama” as a refugee, so why not accept 15 million Uyghurs? Do they not have a moral responsibility to do this? What right does India have to not bring these oppressed victims into their country and let them live on welfare and breed like rats?
We also need to come up with other creative solutions as to how to decrease the Indian birthrate and rapidly expand the Islamic population. We could perhaps hold some kind of contest for Moslems living in India where if they produce more than 10 children, they are awarded with some kind of plaque. I’m just spitballing here.
Regardless of the details, the concept is absolutely solid, and is much more realistic than tricking a nuclear state into bombing India into oblivion.
This will work.
Now, For My Review of Brian D’Addario’s Solo Album
No, I’m joking you, mate. I’m just having a laugh on you.
I thought “call for genocide and then alternative folk-country-rock album review” was funny, but it would really only be funny once. Actually, if I just kept doing it, it would be funny.
But seriously, the D’Addario solo album is better than all of The Lemon Twigs albums. Well, maybe that’s an exaggeration. But it’s fantastic.
You really need to play it on vinyl to really understand it though, which I assume is not really something most of you are ready for. You’re all in for complete genocide of the Indian race, but you can’t grasp that this is necessary so we may preserve the patrician culture of vapid and pretentious indie rock.
Absolute peasantry.