How does it benefit the American people to take this threatening stance against Venezuela?
We’ve gotten some number of millions of criminals and mentally ill people in our country, which Joe Biden said was a big benefit.
Are there other secret benefits? Or is this just a total scam, with American power once again being used for purposes that have nothing at all to do with the wellbeing of the American people?
A senior US diplomat has rejected Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro’s claim of victory in the July election and urged him to resign and allow a power transition, while threatening further sanctions if he fails to do so.
Francisco Palmieri, who leads the Venezuelan Affairs Unit at the US embassy in Colombia – as Washington has no diplomatic presence in Caracas – made the remarks on Wednesday in an interview with Venezuela’s El Nacional newspaper.
Palmieri argued that Maduro, who has led Venezuela since 2013, should recognise his rival Edmundo Gonzalez as the actual winner of the election before January 10, when the presidential inauguration ceremony is due to take place.
According to Venezuelan electoral authorities, Maduro defeated Gonzales in the July 28 presidential ballot. However, the opposition – along with most Western countries – have claimed the vote was rigged.
“Is it the deadline for Maduro. If he stays, things will only get worse for Venezuela,” Palmieri told the paper.
Washington will likely introduce new sanctions and continue to “individually punish” those associated with Maduro, Palmieri warned, adding that Caracas is bound to face “many problems internally and internationally” if Maduro remains in power.
This Palmieri fellow is a fat slob.
He’s also some kind of ethnic himself, and like Marco Rubio, clearly has a personal agenda in pushing war against Venezuela.
The Americanized Latinos are all anti-communist fighters, usually because they come from wealthy families that were dislodged by communists.
Sanctions do not even work. Obviously, Maduro is rich. All sanctions do is harm the poor in a country. Rich people have money and these things don’t really affect you if you have money.
The purpose of sanctions then is to drive poor people into rioting or forming terrorist groups to overthrow the targeted government. That usually does not work, but one could possibly argue it worked in Syria.