US Announces New Sanctions on Iran, Citing Illegality of Defending Yourself Against Jews

Who knew that it was even possible to put more sanctions on Iran?


The United States announced Friday sanctions targeting Iran’s energy trade in light of the Oct. 1 ballistic missile attack launched by the country against Israel.

According to a statement issued by the Department of State, the department “is imposing sanctions on six entities engaged in Iranian petroleum trade and identifying six vessels as blocked property.”

Meanwhile, the Department of the Treasury “is issuing a determination that will lead to the imposition of sanctions against any person determined to operate in the petroleum or petrochemical sectors of the Iranian economy,” the statement said.

This is more than likely an attempt to sanction China, rather than Iran directly. China is the primary and effectively the sole buyer of Iranian oil, and based on the wording here, it appears that the US could kidnap Chinese people for doing business with Iran.

Remember when the US ordered Canada to kidnap Meng Wanzhou, the daughter of the founder of Huawei? The terrorists held her for over 1,000 days, claiming primarily that it was illegal for Chinese people to do business with Iran because the US said so.

Or maybe these alleged new sanctions do not mean anything at all, who knows. Regardless, it’s an interesting assertion that Iran does not have a right to defend itself. No one argues that Israel did not bomb the Iranian consulate in Syria, or did not assassinate a foreign dignitary on Iranian soil. The argument is simply that Jews are allowed to do whatever they want to you, and it is illegal to fight back.

This is the same argument made domestically in the United States and Europe, although in a different context. In Jewish-controlled countries, known as democracies, Jews are allowed to do whatever they want to the public, and even complaining about it is de facto banned.

The entire Western order treats Jews as a “master race” which has powers and privileges to manipulate and abuse whoever they want without consequences.