US Army Withdraws from Its Last Base in Niger


Looks like you been BTFO, boiiiii.


The United States military has completed its withdrawal from air base 201 in Niger, officials said on Monday, after Niger’s ruling junta ordered nearly 1,000 U.S. military personnel to leave following a coup last year.

Air base 201, a drone base near Agadez in central Niger that was built at a cost of $100 million, had provided crucial intelligence about Islamist militant groups before the coup.

A joint statement from Niger’s defence ministry and the U.S. military said personnel and equipment from the base had been withdrawn and coordination would continue over the coming weeks to make sure the pullout is complete.

“The effective cooperation and communication between the U.S. and Nigerien armed forces ensured that this turnover was finished ahead of schedule and without complications.”

Niger’s junta has given the U.S. until Sept. 15 to remove troops from its territory. U.S. troops pulled out of air base 101 last month.

There is apparently a revolution happening now in Nigeria, which is the bigger and more powerful country in West Africa, and the second biggest economy in all of Africa. It’s second to South Africa, but bigger than Egypt. If there is one of these Russian revolutions in Nigeria, that will effectively mean that the US has been completely pushed out of the continent.

You love to see it.

I mean, I get that no one wants to cheer for niggers, but American badge niggers are a lot worse than literal African niggers.

We need the empire to collapse. That is the first basic prerequisite of anything good happening for any of us.