Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 23, 2015

The Donald might as well already be in charge. The government is being forced to follow his awesome policies.
Ever since Donald Trump called for a “total and complete” ban on Muslims entering the United States, many people have decried the idea of excluding people from the country just because of their religion. Would such a policy, some wondered, be constitutional? Would it be American? Would it be decent?
More like “would it be based?”
And the answer is a resounding “yes.”
Now, a British Muslim family headed to Disneyland has been prevented from traveling to the United States by the Department of Homeland Security. The Guardian reported that a family of 11, headed to the California resort from Britain’s Gatwick Airport, was unable “to board the plane even though they had been granted travel authorization online ahead of their planned 15 December flight.”
Sorry, Haji. Do not want.
Also: not actually sorry.
GTFO. Do not pass go, do not collect shekels.
In a telephone call with The Washington Post, a spokesman for the U.S. Embassy in London confirmed that the family was prevented from leaving Britain on the U.S.-bound flight but offered no further details.
A State Department official referred The Post to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for specific information on the case. DHS was not immediately available for comment.
The Guardian identified one of the British travelers as Mohammad Tariq Mahmood, who said he was headed to Disneyland with his brother and nine of their children.
“Hey Whitey, just going to see Mickey Mouse, don’t mind the bomb strapped to my chest.”
No, Haj. Don’t want.
If Cameron is giving you six million BJs to blow up his crap and stab people, just stay there.
We are a Trump nation.
The group, according to the Guardian, was “about to embark on a dream holiday for which they had saved for months, were approached by officials from US homeland security as they queued in the departure lounge and told their authorisation to travel had been cancelled, without further explanation.”
“We were devastated,” Mahmood told the British TV station ITV. “We’d planned this trip for two months — the kids were excited — and all of a sudden some person just comes and says ‘you’re not allowed to board the plane,’ with no explanation.”
“We were alienated,” he added, “the way we were just taken out the room.”
Mahmood said the children were “devastated” and had “tears in their eyes.”
Hey, guess how much we care about your terrorist children?
I’ll give you three guesses, first two don’t count.
In an interview with the BBC, Mahmood said he was taken aside by a British border control official just before his family was due to board the flight — and that the children knew almost instantly what was happening.
“We were the only family that were Asian, Muslim appearance. It was embarrassing that we were the only family that were taken out,” he said. “When they saw me shaking my head, the younger ones started crying. They knew straight away.”
No American officials told them why they weren’t being allowed to enter the United States, Mahmood told the Guardian, but he said the reason was “obvious.”
“It’s because of the attacks on America — they think every Muslim poses a threat,” he told the newspaper.
“They think all poisonous snakes pose a threat.”
Look, Haj. Maybe you’ll attack us, maybe you won’t. Either way, you pose a threat by your very nature.
Less than two weeks before the family was scheduled to come to California, 14 people were killed at a social services center in San Bernardino — about 50 miles from Disneyland — by a Muslim couple that investigators say were inspired at least in part by the Islamic State terrorist group.
According to ITV News, no one in Mahmood’s family has ever associated with any terrorist organization.
>No terrorist organization
Excuse me while I think that one through.
The story has caused great controversy on the other side of the Atlantic, where the family’s cause has been taken up by British MP Stella Creasy, who represents the part of northeast London where the family lives.
“Online and offline discussions reverberate with the growing fear that UK Muslims are being ‘trumped’ — that widespread condemnation of Donald Trump’s call for no Muslim to be allowed into America contrasts with what is going on in practice,” Creasy wrote for the Guardian.
Don’t fear it.
Accept it.
You have been Trumped.
Creasy wrote on Facebook that just last week “parliamentarians were united in agreement that Trump’s views were abhorrent.”
“Now we should do more than shrug our shoulders at secretive American security policies that leave our constituents in such limbo” she wrote.
In an interview with The Post, Creasy said she had gone public with the case because she had spent a week trying to get answers from the U.S. embassy and had “hit a brick wall.”
As of late Wednesday afternoon, she said she still had not received any substantive responses from either the British or American governments.
The area that Creasy represents, Walthamstow, is one of the most diverse in London, with large immigrant communities. Its reputation has been tarnished in recent years by the presence of Islamist extremists who have made the neighborhood their home base. Among them is Anjem Choudary, a regular television commentator who has led a succession of now-banned organizations and who faces charges of encouraging support for the Islamic State.
Community leaders in Walthamstow said Wednesday that Mohammed Tariq Mahmood owns a popular area gym, and is a fixture of the neighborhood.
The Guardian also cited the experience of Ajmal Mansoor, a well-known British imam who said he was prevented from flying to the United States on Dec. 17, when he was told his visa was revoked.
“I am baffled, annoyed and angry,” Mansoor wrote in a Facebook post. “USA has the right to issue and revoke visa — I fully understand that. However not forwarding any reasons infuriates ordinary people.
“It does not win the hearts and minds of people, it turns them off. I am amazed how irrational these processes are but does USA care about what you and I think? I don’t think so!”
Hey, wait a second Ajmal, I need to check something real quick…
Oh. Bad news. Just got this report.
It’s such a horrible shame. We feel so sad for you, dearest sand monkeys.
Maybe if David Cameron pleasures you again you’ll feel better.