US Congress Passes Bill to Protect Jew Feelings in Europe

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 10, 2016


America is the World Police.

But who are they policing the world for?

Times of Israel:

Motivated by what they described as rising anti-Semitism in Europe, members of a Congressional bipartisan task force introduced legislation Friday that aims to increase Washington’s monitoring of anti-Jewish incidents and the steps taken by European governments to combat them.

While much of the nation’s focus was trained on Hurricane Matthew smashing into the southeastern seaboard, Democratic representatives Nita Lowey, Steve Israel, Eliot Engel and Ted Deutch joined Republicans Chris Smith, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Kay Granger and Peter Roskam — all co-chairs of the House of Representatives Bipartisan Taskforce for Combating Anti-Semitism — in introducing the Combating European Anti-Semitism Act of 2016.

In 2004, then-president George W. Bush signed into law the Global Anti-Semitism Review Act, which provides the legal foundation for an annual State Department report documenting anti-Semitism around the world. Over a decade later, in the face of rising anti-Semitism in Europe, the House of Representatives unanimously passed a resolution in November 2015 calling on the secretary of state to continue robust reporting on anti-Semitism.

After that resolution, however, anti-Semitism continued to flourish.

It’s shocking that in the 21st century, anti-Semitism is gaining strength across Europe. From taunts and threats on the street; to violent attacks in schools and synagogues; to governments amplifying anti-Semitic voices and messages, such as leaders in Hungary giving a prestigious State award to anti-Semitic writer Zsolt Bayer, many European Jews are being forced to reconsider whether there is still a future for them in their countries,” the bill’s sponsors wrote in a statement Friday.

“This is unacceptable, and we will continue to call on leaders across Europe to speak out against this growing problem, strengthen partnerships with Jewish communities to help them develop safety standards, and foster cultures that respect diversity and inclusion of all minority groups, including Jews.”

The bill will amend the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 to include a new paragraph discussing anti-Semitism in Europe, adding mandatory reporting on “the security challenges and needs of European Jewish communities and European law enforcement agencies” in countries in which “verbal or physical threats or attacks are particularly significant against Jewish persons, places of worship, schools, cemeteries, and other religious institutions.”

It also encourages the US to “partner with European law enforcement agencies and civil society groups regarding the sharing of information and best practices to combat anti-Semitic incidents in Europe,” and to encourage European governments to pursue educational initiatives to combat anti-Jewish sentiment and adopt a working definition of anti-Semitism.

“Effectively confronting this problem requires a better understanding of its scope and depth. This bill would require the Administration to continue taking a hard look at anti-Semitism in Europe, providing a thorough assessment of trends and outlining what the United States and our partners are doing to meet this challenge,” they wrote. “That way, we’ll have the best information available as we work to root out this pernicious threat and ensure that the commitment ‘never again’ remains a reality.”

I would like there to be a definition of anti-Semitism.

Because as an anti-Semite, I still don’t really understand what it means when it is used in the negative sense. My definition is “opposition to Jews” or more specifically “opposition to Jewish behavior patterns.”

But when they use it as an insult, what does it mean? The would have to define it as “irrational hatred… based on the religion…”

And having such a definition would be useful to the anti-Semitic movement.

Seriously though – why is the US government policing European thoughtcrime?

The answer to that should wake a few people up, I’d think.